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Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... in remu- neration of whose services in that high office, he was ad- vanced to the Peerage in 1776. His Lordship was twice married, first to Miss, Drury, daughter and co-heiress to Sir Thomas Drury, of Overstone, in Northamptonshire, and sister to the late ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... writer of this she remembered to have heard the shots fired in an engagement that toedk place there in the )ifr 1090. She: married when she was an old maid, DevEr had children, enjoyed a constant state )f good bealth OtII a fvw-,d-ys before her death. She ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... discrimninate, was never degrade y tas narrowness of religious distinction. Mr. David Barclas married twice-he had but one daughter by hi first 5 a , w ho wasr married to Richard Guruey, Esq.-of NorwiCh. Sie was a most beautiful aotd berleoless woman, every ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... R~dd, of Hiampstead, to t iza, eldest daughter of W. wnod, Esq. of lPanger~hill, IMliddlesex. last neek, a cottile *vere married io 7T. vemeojsi charc!:, 'he. ,rdgtCvo iged H): ned the bside 2ii i DtATIIS. o Friday week, af+er a short litt severe illne5 ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... James ttevenson, of Waltoll' aged S5i- and on the- Thursday followsig, Xtarv Stephenson, hi 'wu5W, aged S5; ' They had -beea marrie-e 64 yiears, and reared a farge Faisily witniout assistance from Ithe parish. Soon after the (id roan's death, his w idiw- ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... yropert3y. Oi the23d1alt at Llanarmtcl, Dyffryn Ciriog, Nuuth Wales Mlr. Tiefiard Iloghes, in the 08th year of his age. He vass married in the year 1745, nd ltietd hiappily in the wedded siate 6i years, Hle-has left behind him i0 children, 77 gra~d. _Childieni ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... re, in tter.-fth year, 5ust, Couptensr Dowager'of Westrland, eldest daogtlter of the laie Cosm30-George Duke aof Gordon, married serrndly la ?? late Iietit.- Colonel J ohn Wtoodft rd, of 4 te Pont Geards. 00 Sanday ewnkitg, at h iis houe in Gloucester-pae ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... volunleered to join tfre first battalion of his regiment, niow on service in Nort h America, in eleis of a brother qfficer, a married man, whose wife had just lain in. In proeeeding to her droti. nation the vessel strutck upen the island (if St. Paul, at the ...