... James Downing, Erq; obthe 7Ad regiment, to Mifs ' acdonell, daughter of the deceafed Dun- can Macdonell, Efq; of' Glengary. Married, at Auchinleck, on the zdinfant, William Bofivell, Efq; to Mifs Elizabeth Bof- t well, daughter of the late James Bofwvell ...


... the, I.Y :d, rnakhng, after the jih of - Ma fiext, af_.y at other Bread than the Standard Wheaten 'Bre'd' r- Lately~was married, Mr. Watfon, , of 1on en fey), to Mifs Cowdry, -of Twyford.- wit o On Tuefday eveni ng.diecd , Mr. John Bron, den falefman ...


... who' have robbied and feduced a number of unrhijikieg young t'oitlnfl tin'der pretence 'of beilig men'of fortune, who would ma~rry thena.; Ellasbech Buwy'erv about i1:yeas of age,' fisted, that thfie baid lined as a companlor= Ia lady in China Terracea ...

Edinburgh, March 13

... was fafely delivered of v a daughter. I i Married here on Tuefday the iith curt. Wal- it ter Riddel, Efq. Jedburgh, to Mifs Chriftian So- f, merville, eldeft daughter of tlc Rev. Dr Somer- , ville. E Married on Monday, Mr John Burnthwaite, u merchant ...


... that hbe could not live without her, &c. and wilhring her to meet him,; (he d~i~d fo, and. he perfiaded, herto agree.; to marry himn;. At this time, (he had a gold Ircket hanging to her n4d5, vthich he exprefled. a wilh to 'keep for her fake, but.' e ...


... Gainfbnrnugh, were fevctally fo~und gnilfY, and fen- tenced to ?? R}.o eZ Heldihan,0 alias WrhiamiZ Kntapp, a$. d a4, fosi marrying Sufannab Grahiam, of Bicker, having enotdieu *,ifi lvitt~g, v aJ t~etenced to j years trainfpcttatiosa. S. At Kingl~on, 3tohn ...


... time paffed away very agreeably a a to both parties. Soon after, the invited him to c e her hou se, until they fhould be married. He I r lived there about three months, and banns of mar- t a riage were publifhed regularly, with their mutual I confent ...


... He had ferved his - apprenticefluip as a working filverfmith, to ar as Wallis, Red Lion fireet, Clerkenwell, and t he was married foon after the expiration of the I Y- uflial time. Bei-ng naturally of a meianc'ioly r- and irritable difpofition, he left ...


... never had been married, and con- fequently could not be entitled to the name of Mar- ?? objeaion was over-ruled by the Court, as there were three counts in the indiament, laying the offence in hser maiden name, as a widow, and as a married woman, in the ...


... twenty-one years, he knowing her to be of only the age of fourteen, and thereby obtaining a licence -to marry, and afterwards without her mother's confent, marrying the iofant, with intent to obtain the fortune of ool. to which (he was 'entitled upon which 'a ...


... the Lady, for without fome invitation, dire& or indire~l, it very feldom lap- pened that a man attemptcd the chaftity of a married B: woman. With refpeft to the very. large damages 0 which had been given by-variousjurics, whofe ex- ample Mr. Fielding exhorted ...

MiribTuT , 3t[ne 26

... delivered of a fan at Douglas on saturday lat. On Saturday laft, Mrs Robertfon, Ladyrig, !vas fafelv delivered of a fun. Married on Monday, Mr William Shortridge, merchant in Glasgow, to Miss Mary Leitch, daughter of the late Mr David Leitch. Died here ...