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Advertisements & Notices

... wanting to merit a continuance of their favors. e N.B.-Watches, Clocks, Musical Boxes, &c. Cleaned l and Repaired. d j7ANTED4 PARLOUR MAID, where a e Boy is kept; one who perfectly understands her business, and can be well recommended.-Also, a good rtPLAIN COOK ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Booka and Dyere' accounts. The most satisfactory Rceferensces ran be given. Address, W. H. S. Mercury Offlee. Je ANTEED a PARLOUR MAID, in a Family V where no Man Servant is kept. No one need apply whose d Character is not thmooughly respectahle. Reference ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ti the (3:1ice of this paper. ?? ?? - SERVANTS3 WANTED, INMF.DIATFtLY IX A RisSPECTABLs FAMiLr, A GOOD COOK, TIOUSE and PARLOUR MAID, A and NURSEMAID. Note nred apply whose character mid not bearthestrictest investigation.Liertl aaes will be Pi-ii lo good ...

Advertisements & Notices

... in the capacity of COOIK and HOUSEMAID; also several steady MAIDS OF ALI, WORcI, for Families wlsere boys are kept; also a good HOUSE and PARLOUR MAID; 2 KITCHEN MAIDS; and I KITCH EN MAID, who understallds the Dairy. Apply to Mrs. CIIUDGE, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... at J~ Pritchard's, Corn Dealer, Eaist ldStreet. ge, ie? WAN'ED, n 'a regular ehmily rcsiding in Vorth. ore ing, where a parlour maid is kept and no man ee, -An active, steady UPPER HO1UbE.1IAW, be: yet twecn five and twenty and forty, a thorough good nee ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Wisdom, of Bersted; and those indebted to the Estate, s are requested to pay the same forthwith. IJVANTED, as PARLOUR MAID, where a vv House Maid Is kept, a steady active Woman, ti upwards of thirty, who has lived in that situation in a tj Gentleman's Family ...

Advertisements & Notices

... HOUSEKEEPER; also, a thorough A Cook, at 20 Guineas per annum; also, 2 other good Cooks; also, a good Dairy Maid, al upper Nurse, a House and Parlour Maid, and Head Gardener. Apply at Mrs. CRUDGE'S INTELLIGENCE OFFICE, No. 67, COLLEGE-STREET, Bristol. Servants ...

Advertisements & Notices

... jog 0 o 49Acre-Aply y leter pr~p~i, t W.B.,Bristol I ?? :- lrr iTED, in- a small Family, a steady ?? ooian al HOUSE: and PARLOUR MAID; she must have an uddeulablnd chacacter ?? place. Apply to Mr WIRJ1!&D Lriiina.&c., Northi-street. between the b of Two ...

Advertisements & Notices

... permanency. Apply to Mr. Edwards, solicitor, Framlingharn. W ANTED, in a Clergyman's Family, a Parlour Maid V who will not be required to do any of the House Maid's ?? to be made to Mr. Deck, Corn. hill, Ipswich. TND Bhi LET, Either Furnished or Unfurnished ...

Advertisements & Notices

... MOORE and JUDGE, his Solicitors. ,Of HOUSE AND PARLOUR MAID gr. tW AN~rEDby a family in the counte'y,-A steady Ch tsrpectable young Woman, of active habits, who nuder- Sp stand the work of Hfouse and Parlour Maid. None need apply who cannot be. welt~ricommendled ...

Advertisements & Notices

... personally to W. FLETCHER, Wine-' 5, street. er .AtiRED,(n,: i- Ib Y a Respectable Female,, the situation of ,a 11 1w H USE and PARLOUR MAID. 'Satisfactory 0 References can be ?? addressed to C. P., at Isthe Office of this Paper, will receive immediate attention ...

Advertisements & Notices

... /Post Office, Needham, will meet with h prompt attentin. - ANTED. In a Gentleman's Family, a respectable s W Young Woman as Parlour Maid, and to assist in the Hourework. She must have been accustomed to wait on a Lady, and to work well at her needle. Also ...