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Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... competitor. While studying the general questioin of slavery for the purpose of the prize essay, the bole iniquity of the negro slave trade burst upon his vi,, It is impossible, he remarked, in his Histoty o Slavery, to imagine the severe anguish which the ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... While studying the ge- neral question of slavery, for the purpose of the prize essay, the whole iniquity of the negro slave trade burst upon his view. It is impossible, he remarked, in his ' History of Slavery,' to imaginle the severe anguish which ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... iRedrth, tCornsall, Mr J. Johns, aged 90. He was kidnapped from this country mnany years since, taken to Aerica, and doomed to slavery: he, hov- ever, esapd 0in the 6tt instant, at Edge grore, Aldenbam, in the 82d Sear of his age, Williani Marsden, Esq., ? ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... inst. at his residence in Bryanstots street, aged 4a, Thos. Pringle, Esq. .for several years Secretary to the London Anti-Slavery Society, and well known as the able and unflinching advocate of the rights of the coloured races. In him was happily combined ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... late for Westminster, while Sir Fe ni ntred from a wound in a duel with ir. Paul]. Mr. Jetnytteeflerwarde a Ito ated negro slavery, and died a Tory-Ott hls pase go hote from Sydney, Nerv South Wales, in the 28th year of iat age, ' eerĀ° Fournier Gore, lonrth ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... berhefit of his adopted country; anod Itin daore mare so than ii t:hose reedl-ur to the abohlitiron of the stove trace and slavery, I-taving lieen a perarnal frietd and csrresposderit on the subject of the iate ilishep of Lsedoue, and rime ofa tie ittast ...


... every European country are those in which nothing but coined money was appreciated. Those periods are marked by poverty, slavery, and degradation on the part of the people, and by tyranny, unthrift, and crimes of the most heinous description on the part ...