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Advertisements & Notices

... pe-sed, anid-pr-siserity oif our native ]:sTael-with them we seek-to - -l~ hi inarpirated,I p rsuaded as% we are, that Irishmen, when IE united by ties of afficidtiomi, osust lie invlnCINuE'. -- S t~Isoleed, TIhset the, Thianks' p11 the C'athushigi of the County ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Biographical 2otices, and a Preface. By CHARLES PHILLIPS, Esq. the Irish Barrister. ssThc curse of Swift was upon them-they were Irishmen, GRATTAN. * This volume contains the most eloquent specimens of the powers of Plunket, Curran, Burke, Burrowes, Bushe Sheri- ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Gothic Laws of Spain-VI. Travellers in America. 1. Travels in Canada and the United States, in 1816 and 1817. Bv Lieutenant Francis Hall. 2. Journal of Travels in 'the United States of North America and in Lower Canada, per- formed in the Year 1817, &c ...

Advertisements & Notices

... her 'Majesty's Chemists, 27, -aymarket, Lon- don; sold also by most of the medicine venders, perfumers and stationers in the United Kingdom, in bottles at 5s., se. and 23 eachl E LEGANT SILK STOCKINGS and FRtENcH JKID GLOVES, selling for little more than ...

Advertisements & Notices

... whatever, This constittstes their recomin mendation to the notice of every individual afflicted with the above complaixits. They unite every recommendation of mild operation with successful effect, and require no restraint or con- finement whatever during their ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Cats Nleat-Teapot the 0'reat-Go0ie Sailing. Printed for Wm. Nlone, Ludgate-lbill, and sold by all the 13ookscllers in the United Kingdom. Country orders, inclosing remitvances, vill be punctually exeeutted, and Placards for doors and shop-windows inclosed ...

Advertisements & Notices

... lty, tia Collectioni 11ac tryhiscibedfareSt. St. Jauemas's, dittoe 2 Vincent; addloeseed to oil l ?? Atneysoy ,c lisla 1 Irishmen oitt roperty 10 00WeslaycitiChapel, Shafteo From ?? n HtiiOeypate. bury, per 1Rev. Air.B)kli 3 0a0 Kencattmind Waltont Lee-_ ...

Advertisements & Notices

... that the Receipts for such Renewals are now ready for delivery with the respectiv e Agents for the Company throughout the .United Kingdom. A TLAS ASSURANCE COMPANY, of Lon- A don, instituted 1808, and empowereil by an Act of Parlia- nient of the 54 Geo ...

Advertisements & Notices

... LABOURERS, Or Aa IEnCA and ENGLAND contrasted, in a series of letters, original and selected, from persons settled in the United States. London:-W. Strange, 21, Paternoster Row * WATSON, 33, Windmill Street; Mrs. Carlile and Sons, 25, Bride Lane, Fleet ...

Advertisements & Notices

... productions of the most popular writers, with which the Library is liberally supplied. Families resident in the same ?? may unite in a single Subscrip. tion, and Book Clubs are also supplied on the most advantageous terms. Applications for ternis (post ...

Advertisements & Notices

... strength and that knowledge is power. Thus a people united, in all their moral dignity, with a voice of thunder de- mandin thei ir just rights, no tyr annical power on earth dares defy. Thus united, we shall make our native land our happy home, where ...

Advertisements & Notices

... even before the battle isjoined. Are there 'any who wil aetooi against ouir united voices? .Yes, Reformers, there is a handful of men who avow that they dare stand agAinst our united voices. Her -Majestys W1hig Ministers have announced that extravagance of ...