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BOROUGH SESSIONS, JULY, 1819, [ill] Jonathan Blundell Hollinshead, Esq. Mayor and James Clarke, Esq. Recorder

... thle Oraisgemen, that, to protect thesm 'a frn their aggresons, they in the lirst instancea eme Defenders, and finally United irishmen. t flc Mr. Raincock interrupted Mr. Venabies, and n ed to the court,,as to the propriety of introducing t )the cause the ...

Lancaster Spring Assizes

... horseback. I saw only two men. I met Mr. Arrow. Pe id, smith on 'the road. I kilew the men, by their accent, to he Of elI. Irishmen. ell its Mr. John Lathom &rrawsmith. I am a salesman in l~iver- . fo)r pool. The late Mir. Burn married at cousin of mine ...

Highway Robbery.—Between eight and nine o'clock on Thursday night se'nnight,as Mrs. Williams was passing along

... etloing the assizes' at either of' these two places, which I zre now,- as- far as intercourse is-conwerned; in 'a mannehI M united, and when the-astonisbing inerease of these paces' : in population and: magnitude isl opsidered, the-measureE nmut appear ...


... with cer- id tain conditions of a most unjost and menstrous kind. He be believed that this combination extended all over the United .c- Kiutgdom, anid it is one which, ii euufisred so proceed itt ut the same spirit in which it had begun, would be produe ...


... and the other of a sick club whieA wore goineg different wvays. As soon as the processions ha12 passed each oera number of Irishmen, armed with staves and pokers, &c., is rushed' from one of the bask streets upon the sick elsib, and began it to break the ...


... to 42s.-Another witness bad taken twenty tons of soap, brown soap with clay in it, that morning, and he sold it chiefly to Irishmen.-(Laughter.) His travellers sold large quantities of clay soap last year. He had sold it in England, amongst others to Mr ...


... 'the object sof the Auti.Corn Law Association was to draw in the t bonds of friendship-to unite in the bonds of amity the e whole world. (Hear, hear.) They would unite the Baltic sand the Black Sea, and cover their rivers with commle roe ras the rivers in ...


... Dot only provisions that sbe is exporting, but she is exporting her population. (Hear, hear.) Are there not 600U, or 7JOUU Irishmen in hlanchester? (Applause.) If thle corn lasts give eniployntetit and. high wages, shy did they not give it to those mien ...


... JOs. per week from the Psfoods so collected, for the support of himself andI family P.whilst nut of work. Many of them are Irishmen and at Welshnien, bet the majority are Euiglish. Well-dispos5ed plersons..shudder to think that there are subjects of her ...


... Thursday moraing but one. HeIs wir not out if the house fi om that day, and died on Friday morivnig the Stit. ,My hu.b-nid was uniter iltr. Kcr d w heir 1 weirt to Wolvet hampton. He was very Ill wihen lie went out with the ras-, aut one Week he was obiliged ...


... Inwards at is '0 the porisof the United Kingdom, in theyearending5ih January, it a ? ?? foreign ships 2818. of British shIPsIBO,, intel 8 number of British and foreign ships entered inwards at the porte of the United Kin dom were as fellows:-4705 ships ...


... eneral wasfound anl b e bold enough to prosecute Flood and Grattan for a conspIracy. lb ofr With what facor would twelve Irishmen have repudiated tho Di presumptuous functlonary by whom such Ian enterprise, should he no have been attempted I We we were ...