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Yorkshire and the Humber, England


Hull, Yorkshire, England

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... APPOINTBfENT.-Thomas Evans hasbeen elected governor of Carmarthen workhouse. Evans wvas last year taken prisoner amongst a party of other Rebeccaites for an attack on this very workhouse, and, strange to say, he is now duly installed master of it. It is ...


... thigh was severely fractured by a fall of earth on tila 5th of August last, at Slough, and was removed to the Eton union workhouse at that place, where he died on the 12th inst. The inquiry having excited a most intense interest throughout the towvn and ...


... game alive. * e e * * Wherever nature needs, Wherever Labour calls, No job I'll ehirk of the hardest work, ,To shun the workhouse walls; Where savage laws begrudge The pauper babe its breath, And doom s wife to a widow's life, !Before her partoer's death ...


... the ring was found in her pocket. Committed for ?? Irshwoman, named Ma- tilds Jennison, who has several times been in the Workhouse, was charged with breaking the Charity Hall windows. She applied for relief yesterday, and when It was refused her, she smashed ...


... o'f de- crepitudeY The Ciancellor drove it from his door in the style of a parish constable; would riot let it into his workhouse, but sent it to look for a settle- ment. The consequence is, that the bill is extinguished for this session, and we cordially ...


... an establishment of this kind. A WORD IN SEASON ! ADDRESSED TO THE PATIENTS OF PUBLIC IHOSPITALS, AND THE INMATES OF THE WORKHOUSE-By an ininate of St. Martin's in- the Fields.-London: Houlston and Hlughes, Strand. , ; This little tract is writtenby- the ...

Our Scrap Book

... even misgivings-heaven help us-if an author have a: parish! I have serious doubts if a work be a qualificationn for the work-house! The law apparently cannot forget or forgive, that Homer was a vagrant, Shakspeare a deer- stealer, Milton a rebel. Our ...


... AfAINTAIN A \Vir?,-On Sa- turday, Christopher Hobson was brought up on a i, warrant, charged by Mr.' Moxon, the clerk to the Workhouse, with refusing to maintain his wife. It appeared that he had been in the habit of ill-treating u his wife and turning her ...


... thatthse blot , Could bave been insteastly hit.-J~amnincr ' OP-L E o; STABRNG-.--On Saturday week an inquestwvas held at the workhouse at Greouhithe, Kent, before Mr. Carttsr, on the body of a. fine youtb, named'Ttoriias Kelly,.agednineteer years l'h' deceased ...


... and Mr. John E. Stocks, son of Mr. B. Stocks, of Hull (equal). ! PRACTICAL EFFECTS OF SOCUALtST PRINCIPLES. -Ihe Leeds Workhouse Board has for two weeks been occupied with the case of Mrs. Hill, the wifc of' Mr. Wm. . Hill, who writes himself the Rever-end ...

Our Scrap Book;

... I-le is wilfiti, and acts against colinictioci. This maca is tlie loudest aid most daigerous of all, and should go to tho workhouse . The true rrlr'iot is onle who is neither a sycophant to the Govern- ment nor a tyraict to the people, but one who xill ...