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Advertisements & Notices

... XONr CASSILL'S COPtMS OF SURPASSING STRENGTH AND RICHNESS OF FLAVOUR. T'E Onfollowhig are the Pinicrs at which these Highly Cele. TF brated COFFEES are supplied, in quanttities Of from Two Ounces to One Pound, carefully Packed in Lead, so as effectually to preserve the Strength and Aroma:* JOHN CASSELL'S COFFEE, No. 1,an excellent article - - - - Is. 4d. JOHN CASSELL'S COFFEE No. 2, can- not ...

Advertisements & Notices

... NOW OPEN IN THE PAVILION MARKET STREET, SURWAVILLON B U aW Ei IL'F T. & E. BUmtWE It m TN announcing their rettof to Aberddeh fotP a short time, most gratefully beg to ackdowleth e the favours received duiing thjii foromder visits, and beg to assure their friends, thAt it will stimulate them to fresh exertion to merit the con- tinued confidence and patronage hitherto Bo liberally be- stowed. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... AMIt *aalsxy ofafsblonsble A vrls thisseelk, imsgine ~to yonriself, ,,ntte reader, suspended from a ho*4. in n : conyenient placep, i stro-Ifg elastie sprim,2 tastefeiliv concealed anslid folds cf the softest aed richest Silk, from this two cords are dependent, to which a hoop is fastened, aid, by means of foar others, a Dress or Coat, inside of which is affixed a stron.g ,waddedl band or ...

Advertisements & Notices

... *MEETENG TIlS DAY. * G!RLS3 SnOOL 0F1Z'MUSTPI1Y. ANN'~UAL CENERAL AMEET4NG of thle SUB.. iBII and FRAIENSDS to the above INSTITU- bel i held in the CouP c-fluu I,,, oil'unsSVY the 5iecemba, at One o'clock. g~iie School is open for Public' insaection ad ill those who h.iteanirest ioshle ivelto's of the ~uvenile Poor are respect- ~iaited to attend the Mleeting. Abeirdeen,12dfDec. 454.. Dltt~FT ...

Advertisements & Notices

... D~L&I' £A=D DUM INSTrTUTION. A 11HE ArSUAI Put7LtC EXAMINATTON of the Pupils of this ti T nstitutionl wil take place in the COUNT Rooms, on A!t;^ the 14th instant, at two o'clock. j, kberdeen, 1st June, 1847.I rrHSE SUaSCRIBEFR -would respectfully draw attention to his sent Stock of pure VINTAGE WINES; consisting j of 1840 and 1s82 PORTS, and 1841 CLARETS; all of which are cquitefitfor ...

Advertisements & Notices

... v . BON-ACCORD AZ riFl AdSUEaNCE C1OMMANY, HE AT) -OFF ICE, NO. 1, KING STREET, ABERDEEN. pRROPOSALS lodged at the Head-Office, or at any JIFo the Agencies. On or before thc 24th March, will se- corNE YEAR'S BONUS more than if they were lodged aftirthatdat e ALEX. CHRISTIE, Manager. i/ NoXIT-C] IS S3EPREBy -r E HA te THIRTY-FIFTH ANNUAL GENERAL T~CtIRT of the SCOTTISH WIDOWS' FUND an LIFE ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TESTIMONIAL TO MDi. BANNERMAN. THE COMMITTEE lately formed for the purpose of get- tinyt up a TESTIMiONIAL to Mr BANNERMIAN for his long and faithful services as Representative of his native City, have the satisfaction of announcing that they have made such progress as ivill enable them forthwvith to bring the mat- ter to a conclusion. Being anxious, however, that no Friend of r Bannerman's, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ALZI L=N~CE CZRtT=PCAT8, FOR THE COUNTY OF ADERD.EEN. MOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN. That, in terms of the Act of Parliament, sth Geo. IV.. ca 58, all. perons *visbing to obtain ALE LICENCE C TER&IFICATES -for the ensuing Half-year, must lodge, with the Clerk of'the Peace, or his Depute, residing in the district where the House to be Licensed Is situated, or or before the Eighteenth day of October ...

Advertisements & Notices

... (NF thle very best description, and at the most moderate V Vrices:- Clan and Fancy TARTANS., Welsh and Lancashire FLANNELS, Squirrel and Sable FURS, French and English MERINOES, PLAIDS and SHAWLS, I Arived thot week, at Top of Castle Street. M=CZANICS' INSTITUTION. THE INTRODUCTORY LECTURES TO THE COURSE On NATURAL PHILOSOPIIY, by Dr MlACINTOSH, On MONDAT, the 4th October; and TO TRE COURSE On ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TEMH NORTMEEN ASSURANCE COMPANY. INCORPOROATED nB ACT OF PARLIAIMENT. Read Offices. AnulEirty .., 3, KING STltEET. GLA'SrIOW .. , 19, Sr. VINCENT PLACE. ED INURGH 20 ,S-r. ANDREW SQUARE. LONDON .. ;, 1AOORGATE STREET. Charirmnan. Dr. CRUICKSHANKt, Mariscihal College. UEHIS Corporation continues to receive proposals for, and Pire Insurances, Life Assurtanccs. Annuities, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... I T '' N I a M, BrE ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING of the PART- IT NEliS of the (AS LIGHT COM PAN Y of ABER- DEENwill, in terms of-the Contract of Copartnery, be held n MONDAY. the Fourth day of September next, at 12 o'clock noon within the MECIIANIcS' HALL, Market Street. f An'd NOTICE is further hereby given, in terms of Section b4th of the Contract of the Company, that at said meeting a Moetion ...


... INSTRUCTION IN HARRIET STRtEET. XHE; ANNU4L AL EXAMINATION of this SCHOOL TL: tooak place ol) THuKSDAY last, Hi presence of ire 'Lrrl Prrrvost and 15Magistrates. the. lrofvssors of mariwiletI C-liege. the Clergy, SherifllSubstitute, and c the Rector anid M asters of the 01Armar School. Tie a nmrrsber oF Bitys educated at this Sthool is upwards of b 450; saud the -Visitors etpres-ed lhemselves ...