... COURT OP KING'S BEhIC'I.-TUESDA Y. JOINT STOCK COMPANY. Rtinuip. v. MACLESAN, ST09NFHIA0SE, AND Two O'rHEHs - This was an action broughlt to recover a sum of 701., or such othe'r sunm as the pi~intilT should be found entitled to, for ser- vices dune to Me Directors of the Egis Fire anid Dilapidation Comnpanty, and Cambrian Life Itrsuranice Conluirny. The A rI'o~tNErr-GENERAL, (or tie plaintiff ...


... SURREY SESSIONS.-7UESDAY. JOHN SKINNER, a boy, aned 13 Years, and JOHN MANSELL, an aId man aged 59, were indicted, tbe former tor btealioga, and the latter fur receiving, knowing them to be stoleo, three gowns, a frock, and a handkerchief. i1e pr perty of Mr. James Bain, at grecer and cheesesnonaer, in Keitninglon. It appeared that, during the niht of tihe 30th of September, a loft adjoining ...


... VICE-ChANCELLOR'S COURT-FRIDAY. MUNKIHOUSE V. ADAMITHWHlrx-Tlis Cause came on before his Honour on further directions. The bill was originally filed against the defendant, Dr. Adamthwalte (a schoolmaster in the north, well known as the Keeper ofan establishmenrt for the edn- cation of boys at a very low charge) for the specific performance of an agreement for the purchase of an estate at 1 ...


... OLD 4AILEY-WvDNEsDAY. ie I ~~Before Mr. Soriesait ARAB'']s JULIA BYRNEL was indicted for stealing in a dwelling-hoile d divers articles, of the value of 71,.tbe property of Rebecca n Dillon.-It appeared that tce prisDer was a nurse in the honse of the prosecatrix, Whose hbasand was lying dead in the roi m a out of which the things were stolen. The prisoner confes5ed it that she had taken the ...


... COURT OF COMMON PLEAS.-MoNDAY. [Sittings in Banco.] PRoceoa V. BRAIN.-Thir was an action brought against the defendant for non-performance of his duty as a broker. The cause was tried a few dals ago at Gulidhall, when the plaintiff s proved that he had employed the defendant, as a broker, to S make certain purchases of rum and wine; and tbat the defend- nut had charged a higher price for the ...


... COURT OF ARCHES-WEDNESDAY. BBOWN V. BRowN-Doctor JeNNER observed, that this was ec an unfortunate case, which came before the Court on the ques- t tion of alimony. It was a suit instituted by Mrs. Brown aRginst I her husband, by reason of cruelty and adultery. Mr. Brown was a farmer, residing at St. Ives, Huntingdonshire, and at the a time this suit was commenced disputed the validity of the ...


... COURT OF COMMON PLEAS.-THURSDAY. [Sittings in Banco.] DiCAS V. JAY.-Mr. Serjeant CROSS, on a former day in this Term, had obtained a rule to shew cause why the attorney for the plaintiff in this case should not be struck off the Rtolls on affidavits, which stated that the bill of costs delivered to the de- fendant, against whom the verdict had been given, contained items larger than those ...


... COtJRT OF ZING'S BEACGH.-SATruDAY. [tittings before Lard Tenterden and Conrnon Juries.) SLATER V.WaS'r.-SirJ. SCARLETT( With him Mr TALSOURD): This wra an action to recover 71. for the use and eccupajion of a house in College-Striet, Cheleat, from Midsummner last till M~ichaslanas. The house eras rented last year by a Mrs. Kent- field, mother of the defendant's wife, whoo held it till tbe ...


... HORRIBLE MURDERS IN IDINBURGE. W25 [FROX THE ltfINtBUtlt~ix COUANT, OF TUURSDAY LAST.] hIts HIGH COURT OF JIUSTICIAftY. ofTRIAL OFP BURKE, AND M'DOUGAL, HIS5 WIFE. et Yesterday the Court proceeded t*the trial of W. But ke and iY Hel~n M'D~jugal, indicted for murdler. No trial thait baataken rio place for a number ofi years past baa excited such an unusual 71i and intense interest :all the ...


... BlOW~sP1REET.-'ITiE LAih RosSERiY AT~ %VXST WoULSEV. -Yesterday Mr. Jeffs, slte Magistrate,' who resides near the house of Mr. Warrington, of West Mloklsev, which was entered and robbed under sach very extraordinary circumsfltanlces last week, -by a gang of four daring thieves, came to this office and had au interview with Sir Richard Birnie, and Bishocp, the OMf cer, when hie communicated ...


... COVRT OP CH.4NCERV._TuEsDD4y. JUDGMENT. 11s RE CHAMBERS, A BANKRUPT-Thie LOaD CHANCELLOR, i, pursuance of the notice given yesterday, delivered judgment it pn this Ptition. This case, arisinR out of the bankruptcy (if Mtesats. Chainbefs, was argued very fully at the Bar, sipon an appenl from tIe judgment of the Vice-Cliancellor. The facts were simply tbese -William Chaarbers had proved uinder ...


... WINTER HORE CIRCUIM. CHELMSFORD-FRIDAY. [BEFORE M[. BARON VAUGHAV.1 MICHAEL CASHON and JOHN BRIEN were charged with feloniously assaulting William Greenhill, at East Ham, and forcibly taking from his person, against hMs will, one watch and other articles, his property. The prisoners, on being arraigned, pleaded Guilty. Mr. Baron VAUGHAN asked them whether they were aware of the consequence of ...