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... GLAI)I(RGANSI-IlItE QUARTERSESSIONS- I - I SWANSEA. The general quarter sessions ofi the peace for the county of Glamorgan were held on Tuesday, the 14th Inst. and the followilng NVelDnesday and Thursday, in this town, before a highly respectable bench of magistrates. On Tuesd~ay, after some preliminary binsiness laual been disposed of, the usual annual Glamor- ganshire canal account was ...


... 5, A verv sinuilar case of a sudden and unac- P Lt Countallbe maedess, in an entire fanllily, of the 51 it Colrncano de Treverree (Arrondiselent U.rieux,) li 1, has excited much local interest, and has even P II created an ineffectual inquiry into its cause oni Y the hart of the most celebrated pleysiologists of l Paris. Jcan JePpoge, a farmier and proprietor of tl a lands, the produce whereof ...


... I CAPITAL IPUNISHlMiEN FO FORGERY. 'Filh following observations oil the impropriety glo of inflicting, the awful putlimhinent of death for in I the crime of forgery, and otfences of a less ice heinons Idesvription, are completely in aceordasscc ben with our own ideas, Which we expressed sonic isla months ago in a leading artiele in this journal-. alla( They arc extracted f1romo a Liverjiool ...


... -A - P BA DiNRY.. Tlat the praittie of adver 4tising for awviroshouldI be iesnirted to in thjs country,,after. the late expo- suie 'ccasioned by the fate oftlie urdlercr,Corrder, anl sfiei the seveie' aniina!versioiis wlicils have bewi made against it by the London aiit provinoial- press, is a ?? of soip~tise1 & that there Shoildbe found ?? folish enough toiresort to sticli a practice. We ...


... The robbery of Mr. Robert Jones's (draper) shop, in this city, and that of Messrs. H. and R. Parry,bakers,. at. Hiirel, as noticed in former numbers of this paper, will be in the recollection of many of our readers, and we are gratified in ad ing that :the perpetrators of both have been taken into oustody. On Friday night last, Mr. R. Parry wvas, informed that some persons had been oflerimig ...


... GLOUCESI'it ASSIZES, TItI3RSDAY. as n lo IV R V. I VSIAND t SimCn. ?? nVhateleY stdted that this was all issue di- ?? from the Couit Li' Cliancery, to try wvhethel t the plaii tif1, Eaal Williamo 3(rris, otherwise t Evan WViliiains, was the legfitimnate son of William andl Mary Morlis or lWit; the ?? were ELit wtar l Unvies, and Harriet his wife, daughter'of tile t sai-l Williamiiaa aid l ariy ...


... PEMBROKE GRIEAT SErS IO.V.S. The Great Sessions for tile Cooi tv cI' Pfllibroke comnmenced oin Natu rday, the 2°:ld ti. There were four prisoners for trial,. one of wititn %vas for a capital olffence. There were nine encuses enitered, seven for the Old Issoe Day, and twt5 for the new, T/oems ic xa1vane, charged ?? having adminis. teredI poison to his 'wife. ''Ile prisouner wva about fifty ...


... ?? STEALI:NG. os During the last two or three viars, thu crime or to iiolse-s ?? iri has prevailed to In eI tellt st'aft:01I I P I to be credited: in thb ctiurse of' this tliC, pI ln- C il- lily thousands of' horses have ?? stolen th roughl Y d out B ?? SLo great has ls.:en the aplpreheinsioln \ IC of ?? thcse anilnals, that iln Inil uy pl:aces per lb sons have not ventured to turn them onit ...


... EXECUTION OF THE KEOUGHIS. ay Johl Keough and Patrick Keough, who were n- the principal actors in the conspiracy to murder its the Maras, vhose house was the renidezvous for ar keeping the arms, and on whose ground the mur- *a- derous banditti muet, were executed on Saturday S ve week. 'rhe preceding night, their father, mother, f is and yotinger brother, took their farewell of the an- ey ...


... JOHN llIG(HIFIELD' APPROACI1ING EXECUTION OF JOHN 1IICOTFIELD, FOR FORGING A lDEED. The case of the Higlfields, who were convicted list weck at the Stafford assizes of having forged a deed of gift, hn5 excited all extraordinary degree of intetrest, arising, out of the very singiii~ 6ircuin- stances which it presents, and mwich are such as 1 we believe are not to be paraiied bV any case of ...


... HORRIBLE MURDEIR IN FRANCE. Atthe lastassizes of Nevers,aman ?? Chandron was tried for the murder of the wife ofan innkeeper. It appeared from theevidencetlhattlhc prisoner had entered an inn kept by a person niamed I-lotte, who was absent, and that being unable to pay for what he had taken, words ensued between hint and his victim, whom he stabbed repeatedly with a knife. He then robbed the ...


... BURY sr. EDMUNDS. es essie assiere opened on Saturday August 2,by Chief biaron Alexander, in the Cron t Court',o ad Mr. Justice 1-o1iroyd i ll t he Nisi 1'riosl. ' I'e case (if Corder, for tie nuide r sof Main Blar- ten, in t bee Red Bans, at lPolstead, about which f our eaders have heard so mnuch, excited intense interest. T rhroughoutt the day carriages of noble- me1 anld a genitlenasis ...