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... EXECUTION OF CATIIERINE WELCH FOR INFANrIC IDE. rhe case of this wr.tchcd woman has xcted. tl the greatest interest, from the evidence being wholly circusostantial, and in the opilliol o1 m' , Mst insfillicient to convict her of a crimc whic1h ?? a be expiated by death. T'he Jury in giving their c verdict seecmed perfectly conscious of this fact, as they hsumancly recommended her to merty, on ...


... GLABIORGANISHIIREQUAR'ER SESSIONS. The Epiphany Quartcr Sessions commenced at Cardiff, on l'ueseday *ecl;, hefore Evan Thnouas, Esq. Chairman, 1. J. Guest, Esq. 1H. P., V. Lewis, ?? J3, Rouse, W, Coduii, J. h3. Bruce, R. Jones, R. R. r. Richtards, Imi. P. Tali ersit; R. i1organl, J. B1. Richarcds, Esqrs., and the Riev. J. M. Traherlce, W. Mitchell, T. Staicey, and E . W R Riclhards. Mr. John ...


... PREAl)FUL MURDER. On Friday last the village of Cheanim in Surrey, and the places adtjacent, were thrown into ai collse- derable state of excitemsent in consequence of a nurderlhaviog been perpetratcd in the immcdiiatc vicioity of lte above inentioned place. Between SCVCeI ?? eight o'clock in the cevenig- of the day specified a noise wsas heard in the d welling ofal\:r. Wittinan by an ...


... ROSCOBIMMON ASSIZES. '51 ot VfluDRR OFCAPTAIN COX. al In the monti of Mtarch last the English papers .t glowed withi justly indignant reprelhensions of the re ?? murder of Captain Cox, an Euglish le gentleman, who lad the superintendence of tile rt iron worlis that are carrying oil in a part of this C- coucity. It was said thit; the unhappy gentleman - was ecurdeled because be was an English ...


... 'i-On the 17th Au gust last, a woman of the natise of Rosalie Gabrielle Jallaquier Pitra, ido(w, wat a A tried before the court of assize for the departsent * of the Sejin et Oise (Versailles) for the ionuder of h bi hr liusbasid, Jaques Pitra. ry It appeared that the unfortunate deceased had i 1 resided is London for several years, durinig which ir he had realised a cosiderable sum of money ...


... THE NEVW VLLSII JUDG1E. We PeirecivC that Mr'. C sulboilorl the barrister, lias been appini tedl to thle vii cant jldgehi,, n lye copy thye fo~llowing obses'vatiol Is Oil tilt. subjeet froull thle Liv'erpoosl Allt'reurss. We wvere (sayq the iherrsiry) about to conigratu- late thle public 'oil tile delay thiat woes talsing bulace iln diel- a[iopus tuioit~f sit the( ]Icw Weleli Juidsge, il tilt! ...


... CARNARVONSHIRE QIJRTER SESSIONS. | These Sessions commeuced at Carnarvpn on Thursday bef'ore COJ.. EDWARDS, chairman, and a t nunllerous bench of magistrates.-Tlms. lililiams, and Tihiaos Parry, blacksmiths, were indicted for s stcaling a quantity of iroll from their employer, Mr.. Biclnell, of the Penrhyn Arms, Bangor.- 1\fR, JOIIN ?? stated the case on the part of the prosecution, and thev ...


... 3MERIONETIISUIRE QUARTER SESSIONS' At the AMeriolietlishire sessionls which coin- mitenced at Dolgclley on the l7ti uilt. before HuIgh Bieveley, Esq. 61mirman, and aI very respiectabile bench of Issagistrates, Dai-;tJameTs', a quarrynianl, Was indicted for asbaltilfig Aliss Marthu Owen, tif the Smithy Intl, Ffustillion,_ and nialtreating at eon- stable in the ext-wotion ol' his dittv, by ...


... CQURT OF KING'S BENCH, ML1Y 17. Fel- TiE IKING V. THlWAITES. E0 the The Solicitor General applied, on behalf of the lI Ministerdsof the Emperor of Bragil, at this court, f( iman :for a conditidnal order for a criminal injunction Lu e top against the proprietor and publish er of the Miorn- SI sug-ing Herald newspaper, for a libeI contained in ?? Wil-that paper, on the said ninister's character. ...


... e, lit The Thetis, a fine brig of 260 tons, Captain J. e- Baillie, left for Sierra Leone on the 7th FIebrualy e, last, and arrived there on the 8th of April. Is, s- consequence of sickness, eight of the crew, (which a consisted of twelve hands) were left in Africa, and sti our Portuguese taken onl board, On the 21 of m dune the Thetis sailed thence for Cork for ordiers b. for Bristol, and all ...


... ECION OI EX9ECUITION nF;-fiIGHFIrELD; Qn Saturday.ntorning, this mailefadtdr, Ndbo was be COliViitCd at the late Assizcs of forfhin a dleed, uu- se derwent tile execltioln of his soctenc inl front of as the County (ThIl at Stafford, and it is Ilmjenitable at to state, that to the last muomenlt of his existence to he contillued in the samne obdurate aid uorvpei- n tant frane of 0ilild as lie ...


... Murder in its most hlideons character has been perpetrated in thle county, of D urlham I one wretched mail having in his own 'person united the crimes of parrie id and fratricide, by the destruction of ?? 0,%kv s father andi brother. 'f lie tragical event cuerssrle onl Monday last between twelve and one O'clock iii thle afterisoon, when John and Iliael I-I tehisison, respectable farmers, were ...