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... COURT OF (HANCERiF-AlUYDAY. IN RE WVALI;ta A LUNATIC.-'rhis petition wtts presented hy Ihe brother of the Itiatic, and it prayed that thze petitioner night lie appoirnted eiinittee, wilout the usual forIn Sad ei- pen e of a rteference to a Master. The lunatic was entitled to small *wiu, not exceeding 2,000 , anrl it was biped that, *n a- t of the smallness of the sum, the referenrce would be ...


... CORONER'S INQUEST ON4 FIVE OF THEB0JXE-IS Tesoterday evening, at seven o'clock, R Coroner'Iflaquest was beld at thre Cheshire Cheese, in Crrotched, Friars, for the purpose, of inquirintg into the cause of the deaths of five persons, whot were burnt to death in) the calamitous fire thant took place at the French Horn public-house, early in the morning of Tbursday last. Tweerty respectable ...


... COURT OF COMMON PLEAS.-TUESDAY. BATTIIHWS v. GALINDO.-This was an action on a bill of ex- change. The defence set up was, that the bill was concocted in usury. At the trial it was proposed by the defendant to call a woman, who had cohabited with the defendant for a consider- able period, and passed as his wife, to prove that there was usury in the original formation of the bill. The Lord Chief ...


... THIE MURDER IN MONTAGUEpIACE. I Yesterday morning, at eleven o'clock, T. Stirling, Esq., the C~riner for Middlesex, end a Jury, consisting ofgentlemen ,-thXe firstetsspectubility, residing in the nerghbotrrhn~id, met at the Mor~tagUe Armts public lionie, in Montague-street, arid held art Inquislitioni nn thle bo.dy ofElizabeth Jeffe- ged 7a yeirre, whio was so.c innuriratily murdered in tire ...


... COURT OF CHANCERY.-TukD.A. JUDGMENT. CROWDER V, STONE,-rie LoinD CHANCELLOR: The queS- tion in this case arises under the will of a person named John Lloyd, by which, amongst Other disnositiona of his property, he declared that the sum of 1,1001. should be invested, and the dividends thereof paid to his wife for life, and after ber death the capital to be divided equally among his (the ...


... CO&RT OF KING'S BEACH.-SATURDXY. aUY'S HOSPITAL-LANCET-LIBEL. CeOPER V WARXLLY.-The Court was crowded at an early hour this morning with numbers who were anxious to witness the continuation and conclusion of this trial ; but there was none of the contusion that prevailed on the preceding day, owing to the precautions taken, by stationing a strong force of constables at the different avenues to ...


... 01 FINAL EXAMINATION OF THE WEST INDIAN, ti ACCUSED OF NOTORIOUS SWINDLING. Ii MARLBOROUGH-STREET, SATURDAY. B GEORGE BARROW, alias THOWAS oiOCrSON , alhis JohN g Hos'saNSO, of Trinity College, Cambridge; of Cowley Grove, Middlesex; of Cornwall Terrace; of32, Park-road, St. John's Wood; of Euston Grove; of Holborn-court. Gray's Inn; of White Hart-court, BIrchin-lane; of Hill Park, Kent, &c. &c ...


... I MIDDLESEX SESSIONS.-THURSDAY. I Yesterday being the County Day, there was a very full attend- auce of Magistrates; F. Const, Esq. in the Chair. In the course of the morning several paltry cases of assault were tried, and sonic of their Worships complained bitterly that the committing Magistrates had not taken advantage of the new Act, which permitted them to dispose of such cases summarily ...


... COURT OF CHANCERY. -WUDNVEsDAM BLISKEMORE V. THE GLAMORGANSMIIRE CANAL COMPANY.- The argumeuts on tlhk case were commenced this Inorning, and were continued till the risiag of the Court, without being iconcluded. baey pnswssed very little public interest. ...


... MANSION HOUSE.-Mr. HOuLER, jUn., applied, on be- half Of R journeyman printer, or compositor, named George Barton Ellis, ta grant him, tinder the 3d section of the Act of the 6th of Geo. tth, a warrant or a summons againrt severat journeymen printers, namedfaowir 5lI.LFR, BArils, HoLLAND, ARilsBo.AND, andBRADWITlt. Mir. HoBoeo statedthatthecomplainanthadbeenfor some time engaged as a ...


... MIDLAND CIRCUI7.-NOTTINGHAMJAUG. 1. [BEFORE LORD CHIEF JUSTICE BEST.j CROWN SIDE. The Lord Chiff Jestice of the C urt of Common Plas pre- sidrd in the Crown C,.rrt ; and ns soon Ra be Grand Jury, of which Lord Newaik was Foreman, had been sworn, li Lord- sbly addressed them. He s id I cannot, Gentlemen, but con- gratulate you and your Countty upon the very Iithc calenidar of offences which are ...


... OXFORD CIRCUIT-STAFFORD, JULY 28. I Ilefora lr. Justice GAS rLE and a Special Jury.j BREACH OF A MARRIAGE PROMISE. LEAKE V. Gt IFFITTEs.-Thii, was an action to recover com- pensation in damages for A breach of a marriage promise. The damages were laid at 5,0001. Mr. RtCHAaDS opened tile pleadings. Mr. JERVIS stated the case to the Jury. The plaintiff, MiNs Isabella Leake, is one of the six ...