... MhElAND. COURT OF INQUIRY-VERtY SINGULAR CASE. IN' THiE MATTE-PR OF It ligtT l'AhhS(NN PERSSF.. A SUPP4OSEfl T,1,:NA1Ic.-i his novel and interesling InqIuiry comnm-rired on 'I ii s aty. 11ay 1, in the Court of Ative~la, behore. Miaster. Ci n r anti Townsenid, andi Messrs. Mitford and Beatty, ubo ivlt-1P(1,04d C lliolissi ner- wide~r a writ doe Iutanui; /51 qq?,etidet, air ed tinler rite Great ...


... LIBEL-JUDGMENT. Ratx v. BRADLEY.-COIOnef Bradley, whose case has been so often brought, in various ways, before the public, was this day bruh pto receive the Judgment of the Court for a Libel on Genra Fuler, of which lie had been convicted at the Sittings at 11'essmiinster some time ago. Colonel Bradley put In am~ affidavit giving a detailed state- fment of his case, and of the cruelties and ...


... [FROMN THE SUFFOLK HERALD-] Corder bat all along exhibited as great a recklessness of con- duct-so unfeeling and wretched a beart-that were nat we partially acquainterl with him (is he really was, we shouldl have thought his conduct incompatible with human nature lie eas taken beavor (a sort of lunch) with the mlen in the barn, and near the very spat where his victim was deposited; and he vas ...


... BILL CHAMBER-Ist DIVISION-May 17. .D LL, Ll AVAl15, Ltt-.I St L1- v tI UIN-iBlay 17. SUSPrL NStti -CA UTION-PA YMEN-T. Robertson was' charged by Levack to n ake payment of .1.8 12.w. conbtaiiiei in his promissory note. L.7 being ppid to ?? e poindinog was executed( for the balance, and warrant to sell tea *29th March 1826, was obtained. Robert- so ii app lmid for and procu red an i terdi ht on ...


... FIGHT between JE M WARD antd JACK CAITER, | __ V FR FIFTY FOUNDS A-SIDE. Jem Ward, decidedly one of the most scientific fighters of the age, on Tuesday put the cavillers for large stakes, without half his pretensions, to the blush, by contending manfully in the ring with the gallant, but unfortunate, Jack Carter, for the humble, hut we believe to Jem, in these hard times, the not less ...


... COURT OF COMMON PLEAS.-TUESDAY. BATTIIHWS v. GALINDO.-This was an action on a bill of ex- change. The defence set up was, that the bill was concocted in usury. At the trial it was proposed by the defendant to call a woman, who had cohabited with the defendant for a consider- able period, and passed as his wife, to prove that there was usury in the original formation of the bill. The Lord Chief ...


... MIDDLESEX SrSSIONS.-TUESDAM; MAY 27. FURIOUS-DOGS. HENRY B. WARNER stood indicted for a auisince, in keeping two furious dogs, which had worried a child in a most shocking manner. Mrs. Peel, the motber of the child, is a married woman, re- siding at Battle Bridge. (& the 22d of March sbe was alarmed by the screams of her child, wbich was saout four years of age, & on going from her sitting ...


... COURT OF KING'S BENCH. - Monday, May 5. |FIRENCHt COMPENSATION FUND. Sir J. SCAIILETT applied to the Court on the part of Lord Bexley, Sir Robert Harry Inglis, Bart,, and Job Matthew Raikes, Esq., trustees of Mr Chevalier, for a mandamus to compel the Commissioners appointed by Act of Parliament, for the distribution of the Compensation Fund, granted by the French Government by treaties of ...


... EXECUTION OP JOSE DOLORES BONiILLA, FOR ruiE ,ituRDEI1 or MR. O'REILLY, HIS MAJESTY5S CONSUL Ar GUATFAMALA. Iu our former 'numbera we gave an idea of the atrocious crime which occupied public sttention, when speaking of the assassinarion committed an thle person Of Mr. John O'Reilly, his Britannic Majesty's Consul. We related that Judge Manoiel Betita was Conmirsiieried to bring the inquiry to ...


... CO URT OF C(M)MJIN PLEAS.-SATCRDAV. I)1W 'A MATI(ON .-N EGArI IVES PREGNANT. CoTr 5CN V. JosEs AND WVIFE.-Mr. KELLY opened the plead- ings. ihe deelsration contained seven counts, charging the wife of tue defend~ut with h-aving spoken certain slanderous words of and concerrling the plintlliff. Mr. SerjAit Joisr.s statedl the plaintiff's case to theJury. The plaintiff waI foutuerly a ...


... On Tuesday afteroon, one of the most appalling fr ae accidents that ever occuried in this part of the gt he country happened at Mr. Eytoil's Flint Colliery; when, by a tremncrdous explosion of carburetted - o hydrogen, cononisly called the JIeM410p, no less se than nine persons were killed on the spot, and L rc- eleven others lejured morc or less severely. Thc B bt, consternation and dismay ...

Assize Intelligence

... gooiw lutellionlre. lath _k ,ory MONTGOMERYSHIRE GREAT SESSIONS. ar mo10- Bill v. Shaiker, This was an action for an assault, and-was tried c before a special Juay:-Mr, Cobbett at, ed the pleadiugs for plaintiff, when Mr. Temple fi followed at somle length, and ingeniously attempt- ga ed to fix upon the minds of the jury a case of an ?? agrravated assault committed upon his ...