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... NUISANCE, a RE~x v. ADAMI.-Thlai was an action againost the defendant for e stopping up a public foot-path he was found guilty, and when ti hie was called zip for jaldgmnent, it wats alleged on his behalf that ti be had done what was proper to open the road again, and tbet Court referrad it to the Master, to inquire what had been done is by thle defendant, and what further ought to be done by ...


... COURT OF CHANCERY.-SAT(URD.IY. J ODGMENT. MORRIS V. DAVIES AND WIeFE-The LORD CHANCELLOR I have read the notes of the Learned Judges who last tried this cause. A former verdict was returned in favour of Mr. Morris: after long argument before me, and after great deliberation on my part, I sent the case back for the consideration of anether Jury, as I doubted wbether I could believe the evidence ...


... COURr OF KING'S BENCH.-SATURDAY. BANKRUPTCV.-JUDGMENT. BERNASC'i)NI V. FAIRDROTHER AND OTHERS.-This was an action of trespass against the Sheriffs, for entering the premises, and seizing the goods, belenging to the assignees of the Messrs. Chambers, the bankers. A person of the name of Winton breught an action on an obligation given him by tbe Mrssrs. Chaabe.s, and having got a verdict, he ...


... COURT OF SESSTON-SECOND DIVISION. TIlE INCORPi'ORATIONcii' OVTAtItiAS OF OLASGOOW V. ctIiEl,~A. 15th .1 one IS~23. 71'rndiegi's of rn's icali'. Th e Tr icorripo.,ti~ol (FI' al lrs of Gialagotw, on.7th March ISR25, ?? i petitio a to iheliag M ni ?? en, snetl n foitth, to that this'p-nnessed the ?? Iighlt and privilece of~ e- fi elreinin- tlhe tricle and loishiness of' alrwti h bitigh, to ...


... COURT OF KING'S BENCH.-MONDJY. BRUNSWICK THEATRE. Mr. MILLER, on behalf of the assrgneen of Mr. Carrutbers, the surviving owner of tbe late Brunswick Thtatre ( robably for the purpost of setting aside the deodand). applied to the Court for a rule to show cause why a certiorari should not issue to bring tile record of the inquest held on the bodies ot those who had beet killed by the falling in ...


... COURT OF KING'S BENCH.-W1DIMESDAY. -a . . . I [Sittings in Banco.] SLANDER AND ASSAULT. RIFX V. SC.TT.-Mr. BRaUGHANI tadobtiined a Rttle to shew call's why a criminal information should not be filed against the defen~dnt, a physician, at WVincbelses, for slanderous words utteret against, andan assault made on, Mr. Powell, an Al-leirotu aid Mgsistrate of Whicbelsea, en whose bebalf the ...


... VIjCE- CHANCELLOA'S COU RT-T,;ESDIY. PODMORE V. EARL el DENBIGII.-rbis was a bill filed by the plaintiff, who is the Lessee of tite Matter abd Fellows of King's College, CAmbridge, against the defendant for the payment of certhit, tit es in kind in respect of the lands in the heulslet of NwbwnlHm, and csrnpoting the district perish of Mmlots Kirby The defendant in h s answer set up a modus of ...


... BOW.STREE'r.-CIIALLENGF. TO FIGHT A DUe .-Sa- iufday morning information wax given at thia Office, that Monsieur ANTOINE PErIT, the Balit-master of the Italian Opera-House, and Monsieur Franci4e Laporte, the Manaier, in consequence of tbe former bavingsent a challenge to the lat- tern, were about to figtt a duel, and the friends of each party were in a state of extreme alarm lest fatal ...


... About half-past two o'clock in the afternoon of Saturdays a solitary dark cloud passed over the valley of Itchen Abbas, the sun shining from the opposite part of the horizon. The spot whereon the cloud appeared to rest seemed to be enveloped in total darkness, whence shot a streamnof electric fluid, accompanied by a short but tremendous crash of thunder, and hail-stones of considerable ...


... COURT OF CHANCERY-.MoNody. EX-PArtia Sorprr.-This wts a Banhkrapt Petition, which aqsted tbat a Commission of Bankrupt war isoned against the veti'ionr, and that the Commissioners Issued their sunmmns its the usuial form, calling on the babriipt to surrender and ap- pear to undergo his examination; the bankrupt srcnrdingly at tended In Bti gball-s'reet, but the Commissioners being otherwite ...


... MARLBOROUGH STREET.-WILLIAM JAcKsoN,a young man about twenty years of *ge, who desctibed himself to be a sailor, recently returned from the East Indies, in the Bucking- hameihire East Indiaman, was charged with committing the fol- lowingdaring extensive burglary, at Additson House, Kensing- ,on, the residence of Liept.-Colonel Charles Richard Fox, eldest son of Lord Holland, smd son-in-law to ...


... PFWICE. BOW-STREET.-THE TU HF.-Y.etrrdiy an ineeip&i, tuooiplaces a b. 11t1w1rccte ey oisdr ahit it t rdsp i g winl , mrany ot thre ln~t diatcnguishd. litsc.1 ter. eff which welret pirsecect. Cit TI'M--THsY EJ'sAcsA, Esq., for many years known on Ih~r all a be., yt letlter, wits biroughct from St. Martion't imht, icetore Mr. HALLS, mad tule cbarkec enitered if, ti e watch hl-ule book was astc' ...