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London, London, England

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... COURT OF CHANCERY. ARREST IN THE PRESENCE OS THE KING'S UDGES. The Vice-Chancellor having expressed last week a wish to have the Lord Chancellor's opinion on this case, Mr WAR EYIatD moved for the discharge of an attorney who had been improperly arrested in the Vice-Chancellof rs Court. Levi, the Sheriff's oflicer, shortly after made his appearance with the prisoner. The LORD CHANCELLOR: Where ...


... WrwcnEsTE, JclY 18.-George White, aged 32, was charged with having, on the 17th of June, killed Thomas M'Donald, by cutting and stabbing him with a sharp instrument. The prisoner, on being placed at the bar, became extremely affected. He is a very mild-looking man, a baker by trade, and is said to have borne a very respectable character for many years at Southampton. When Mr Missing, who ...


... CHARLES BAXTER and JOSEPH BAXTER were placed at the bar upon au indictment found at the last Quarter Sessions for this city, charging them with having conspired with William Baxter, a bankrupt, who had absconded, and ether persons un- known, to defraud Messrs. Allen ansd Shepperson, of L ndon, and other creditors of the said bankrupt, by fraudulently re- moving divers goods from his premises. ...


... ck BOW-STREET.-ELIZABETH GORDON, an unfortunate fe. hat male, was charged with having auempted to destroy herself. Ak- It appeared from the statement itf Hands, a watchman of Wa. sed tefloo-bridge, that between three and four o'clock yesterday sut morning, a man observed the woman, in a state of great Ird mental agony, walking down Wellitigton-street. and, sus- ac- pecting her design, followed ...


... COURT O1 KING'S BELNCH--MoNDny. BRISTOL TOLLS. MAYOR AND CORPORATION OF BRISTOL V. BUSHsE.-Sir JAS. SCARLETT (with whom were Mr. TAUJNTON and Mr. Seijeant It LUDLOW) Stated the case for the Corporation. This action was L hrnjhtto ecoer ertain tol or taw duI cleI b h Cororaionof ri~olwhs right to exact them had not been dispted or 80 y arsxcep in one Instance. A Society of Gentlemen ad M ...


... On Thursday morning, at half-past one, a fire broke out in the ware. house of Mr Deane, corn-chandler, Nortoll Falgate. Tue warehouse and stables being in the rear of the house, in Plough yard, were, with three valuable horses, totally consumed, together with two small houses in Bolt court. The back of the dwelling-houses of Mr Deane, Messrs Gore and Shenstone, stationers, and Toshell and ...


... HOME CIRCUIT.-CIIELMSFORD, TIIURSDAY. CIVIL SIDE. [Before Mr. Baron GARROW and a Special Jury.] SPARROW AND Co. v. CHISMAN.-This was an action for the recovery of the amount of two bills of exchange, of 1,5001. each, drawn by Mr. Peckover, one of the partners of the firm of Sparrow and Co. and indorsed by him in favour of the firm. The bills were accepted by Mr. Chisman. There was also a ...


... OXFORD CIRCUIT-STAFFORD, JULY 28. I Ilefora lr. Justice GAS rLE and a Special Jury.j BREACH OF A MARRIAGE PROMISE. LEAKE V. Gt IFFITTEs.-Thii, was an action to recover com- pensation in damages for A breach of a marriage promise. The damages were laid at 5,0001. Mr. RtCHAaDS opened tile pleadings. Mr. JERVIS stated the case to the Jury. The plaintiff, MiNs Isabella Leake, is one of the six ...


... COURT OF CHANCERY.-TlURSD.4Y. ATTORNEY-GENERAL V. PICKFORD.-This case arose out of an information filed by the Attorney. 4eneral, at the relation of Dr. Owen, Mr. Jones, Mr. Agar, and Mr. Pickford, against the Trustees and Master of the Itighgate School. Lord Eldon pro- uounced a decree in this Court, which fixed the whole costs of that information on the relators. On the relaters neglecting ...


... HOME C1RCUIT.-GUILFORD, TI:E.9DAY. e The Judges arrived in this town yesterday evening, and pre- 1 ceeded to Court immediately, when the Commission of Asjize was read, after which their Lordships adjourned the further lbusiness of the Assize till this day. a. CROWN SIDE. ISd BEFORE MR. BARON GARROW.] d WILLIAM UNT, aged 17 years, was indicted for assault. ling Hugh Jones on the highway, and ...


... NORFOLK CIRCHIT.-BRucKJGHiM, JULY 18. [iBefore the Lord Chief Barorn.1 MURDER. JOSEPH WALKER was indicted for the wilfuli murder of Ann lisi wife, by saixing a quantity of arsenic Ins tea, which she drank, and ateer anigauishing for sit houiss died. The prisoner also stood chareed, on the Coroner's Inquisition, with the murder of the said Ann Walker, by adminilas~ring poison to her. He pi-aded ...


... , OW-STREIET.,THE MURDBR AT HARRow.-Yesterday, JoW CASEY (not KltZsARBv), and eight other Irish hay- makers, wera re-eximined before Sir RIcHARD BiRNIl, On t charge of baviDg murdered John Heardon, otherwise Lang John. The following additional evidence was adduced:_ John Hickx deposed that he was a shoemaker at Wimabley. On Sunday he was going from the Green Man piilic-bouse, at Wimbley, to ...