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... Drignalt. -- ?? we -. I no THE TENDER-HEARTED ASSESSOR; do BzF.;SG A FRAGMENT OF AN UNFINISHED DUGGE!SI. BIIROLTT#, of FOUNDAID ON FACT. ACT 1. ]al Ent c Assessor, u/ho, wit/s art easy assurance. waloks up stairs.- hii After looking about him, hie thus haeughtly addresses the ;estrrss, wh/to has follow.ecd hion into an sipper room,a UT This house, Mla'aal, is assess'ed too low; or And your ...


... When the burly burly's done, When the battle 's lost and won, Where's the place ? - ' uponthe Heath'-Macbelh. Rouse, all who are on mischief bent; Rouse, Parsons, boors, and cubs of Kent; Rouse thee, rouse thee, to a man, Help to fill his Lordship's van; There's no want of besf and pudding- Hither, hither, do his bidding. Go bear wisdom from the lips Of that SOLON, Mister G-Prs. A SOLON ...


... ;tie. ?or Our Theatrical season commenced last night, Fell1, under the management or thle new loesO, Mr I to Cu~xir~sa. Froir the late hour at which tleo was performances terminated, ~e are precluded from ess. entering into, an lalsorate criticism eltber of ii0n the pieces that formed, the evening's entertain. he t - ment, or of the merits of those performers who 'h '~are new to tile Hull ...


... Lm-mIEIklARY Sou'r llt roll lIl29. ?? 1 o.., Im . . A - a ~ - Editetl by A TAiic A. NVAITTS. The volume of the Literary Souvenir for 18!29, is fir 1: more splendidl than any of its predecessors. '1'he lon(don I journals tipeirar to be unaninuous in thieir envomiums on i the illustrations, ?? Ire describedi as being f IIt e 151:1- ed beaUtv, both in design andi execution. It is ntot si ri-ris s ...


... , TO THE EDITOR OF THE EXAMINER. ?? Sm.e-The enormous load of taxation under whichnyliscotiJwagroans, aE, in spite ofall complaints, been so long eontinued, that the expe'qtpation of any considerable abatement seems nearly hopeless. For the -purposes of those who have the power of imposing taxes, accompanied by tle] desire to contsume their, money must be had; and for those who have to pay ...


... THE MIRROR O FASHION. [FROM TIlE COURT CIRCULAR.] The Duke of Wellingten arrived in town yesterday afierno06 from a shooting excursion. Mr. Secretary Petl Visited his Grace after his arrival. The American and Bavarian Ministers had interviews, Saturday, with the Earl of Aberdeen, at the Office of the SecrT t.Lry of State for Foreign Affairs. Lord Ellenborough transacted business on Saturday at ...


... ENGLISH OfERRA HObSE. as lEAN has performed Otfhello in London, we may 11)' tbat it sever was seen until last night. Those who bave only Witnessed his eertions in a great theatre can have no notion of e Iminens5 d sffrence it make's, and the vait improvement b, evident We bad -ceasion, last week, to express our (IlrAtin or bis R/chard l., as exhibiied at tbe Eiglisb (i Wr5 se, in no measured ...


... T HEATRICAL EXAMINEt OPERA HotsE. AFTER the accident at Covent Garden Theatre, it is to be hoped that the Managers of the establishment at the King's. Theatre will not think of opening the house till the whole apparatus for the composition of gas has been removed. We have been informed that more than one accident has occurred in this establishment since the introduction of a gasometer within ...


... TaHE X FoosT ?? NOT.-Mr Ackermann's Forget rme Not for 1829, has already made its appearance, and it is one which promises to maintain the popularity which those of former years have so deservedly obtained. It contains upwards of 100 pieces in prose and verse, from various pens; among others, those of MBiss Mlitford, Mrs Bowditch, Mrs Hemans; Barry Cornwall, James Montgomery, James Kenney, ...


... Five years have pass'd-and we, my fellow men, Are Exiles, Olatcasts, from that spot of earth, O'er wbich Creation holds her gentle reign The land of beauty, which has given us birth! Oh, Spaniards! we, are reaming through the world Aud hope each hour doth fainter, feebler grow. Time shall stretch onward, though our flag be furl'd, And we remain, the denizens of wce. Yes, Time ! that brings her ...


... I A SOfLILOgUY ATs TH=='HE ALrBION HOTEL, RAMSGAT'SE.| I'm a Knight and physician, A Great Politician, A Magistrate, too, of sOme erudition; And dreaming perditioP From Popish sedition, I've headed the list in a Brunswick Petition. My Patients can wait, Till I've doctored the State, And the Patience otf Bigotry tried; And c'en should I chatter, Knowing nought of the matter, Yet I'Ve W-Nj-sE,%A ...


... THE MIRROR OF1 FASHIor, iC [FROM THE COURT CIRCULAR.] 9, The King has, within the lest few days, had a aligh y of the gout In one of his hands-the affection bas R t.5 ar nearly gone off. iat, boare - A great number of officisl warrants have lately recei,, re Royal signature. - His Majesty visited Windsor Castle, an Friday, The letters issued to the Cabinet Mliidsters, and otl, attend a Court ...