... From thle new Report, w~hich has lately hecn addresised to tbe County E'dgistra, es, by the Rev. James Brown, it itl truly gra- tzfving to observe that the number of cnnnmitmcnlts to the Castle, frem October, 1827, to October, 1828, has diminished 18 per cent. compared with thsose of the preceding; year, viz. fron, 585 to483. The Rev. Chaplain also states, that the *number oxf prisoseral whom ...


... ; Xiff-CFL1(NELLOR'S COURT'-FRID.41 . . 1~,( ! riitt v. RlotQrs AND I) jrIsEaS0-In thle CaUse, the q f fl,:,rAt kbtnsion de Beauvoir the cousin and heir of Icreri Peter de Beauvoir, prays that a lease, granted by k ReterenI eter Me deatu'rir to the defendant Rhodes, may ,red tp to be cancelled, on the groiund that it was ot- rIth is relotioti by fraul and deception The persons ed with cerrying ...


... VICE-CHANCELLOR'S CO UR T.-MOYDAY. GURNEY V. BERNHARD AND OTHRRS.-TIIe plaintiff in this csiue is a Mr. Rici:ird Gurney, who either was or is the De- puity Warden at the Stannaries, and the cefeidants are Gentle- men carrying on business Hs brokers and merchants. TThe p1atd- 1ff baving deposited sime jeweis of thfe alleged value of 5,000!. in the banids I tse d. fendtantq, received from them ...


... COURT OF COMMON PLEdS.-SATURDAY. [Sittings before the CHIEF JUSTICI and a Specala Jury.] WIGGING5 AMD ANOTHER V. BODDINGTON AND OTHERs.-Mr. Serjeant RUsSELL, Mr. ERLE, and Mr. HOLROYD, appeared for the plaintiffs; and Mr. Serjeant BOSANQUET, Mr. Serjeant WILDE, and Mr. Serjeant SPAN IIE for tbe defendants. Mr. HOLaO YDopened the pleadings. This was a special action on the case, in which the ...


... CO&RT OF KING'S BEACH.-SATURDXY. aUY'S HOSPITAL-LANCET-LIBEL. CeOPER V WARXLLY.-The Court was crowded at an early hour this morning with numbers who were anxious to witness the continuation and conclusion of this trial ; but there was none of the contusion that prevailed on the preceding day, owing to the precautions taken, by stationing a strong force of constables at the different avenues to ...


... I MIDDLESEX SESSIONS.-THURSDAY. I Yesterday being the County Day, there was a very full attend- auce of Magistrates; F. Const, Esq. in the Chair. In the course of the morning several paltry cases of assault were tried, and sonic of their Worships complained bitterly that the committing Magistrates had not taken advantage of the new Act, which permitted them to dispose of such cases summarily ...


... t! REIONTVAL OF THE LANCASTER ASSIZES. l I I_ I ' I A IWe copy the following observations, on the expediency of i -removing the Lancaster Assizes to Manchester and Liverpool * from illinge's Livepool Advestiser. They appear to A us to nake out a strong case in tayour of the removai :- h i The very object for wh ch the circuits of the judges ce were established was, to bring justice to the ...


... III:I0:L C UII' T1 J UST'JCIA lY'. ?? Ductivi F. ptts.-oL ?? a rofter at PI;!aLgl In, far ad'v-l .(ti tn nva-rs, wa*s isriced athiec bar, criargevti titti rtn- bLaezlnT I .2 It:ltds *,f or 'i'ti-rnmitr cl o I rirl;idly Sorcivt-, of ?? itb aold betril for a lity firltc-e t!ae T reilSuneIc, Icy ImTeIIs ol alcTnniz, or rocnurt-inr lla-cl tti be rita-rcd, nit fetwer ?? o inebankr Tettc ieits, art ...


... WE'ST PORT MURDERS. TRIAL OF 13UlIsE AND M'1C)(UGAL, ii'e have heard a great deal of late concerning tite march of intellect for which the present age is supposed to be distingitished; and tde phrase has been rung 3i0 otur care till it has nauseated usby its repetition, and bccome almost a proverbial expression of derision. But we fear that, with e all its pretended illumination, tsie ...


... MARLBOROUGH-STREET.-George 14 itebins yOUng wan who compainfed at this ofice on Monday nI t having been grievously assaulted by Mr. Price, th*e Lent ° D~rury-Lanet renewed bis application for a warrant aigOf hat gentleman, wbo, he sasid enresred him two rnotb! n1 to act as hurler and footman, Mr. Price keeping no other 4r0 servant. O Sunday evening Mr. Price gave a large dirati party, on wbich ...


... CONSISTORY COURT.-IRIDAY. BIGAMY. LEItH T. CROSSLEY, CALLING HERSELF LxIGHo-This was a suit for a divorce on the ground of bigamy. The circumstances of tbis case were fully detailed in our report of the trial at the Old Bailey. It will be recollected that Crossley was convicted of bigamy. She had been pronouinced in contenpt of this Court, and the libel was now admitted in panarn. A Mrs. ...


... I XTRXRORDINARYCfsBE OF VlOLAT)OM On Friday a gentleman attended at MarlborongbIstreet Office, who said he was al perfect a ranger to Mr. Smniti and that lie was induced to come forward from having ser the Report of tbe case in the newspapers. He tated, tb about a fortnight ago, at a late hour of the evening, be was pass. ing in the neighbourbood of the New-roRd, and met a youri female, who ...