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... ROBERT WALSH, LL.D. & M.D. The DDublin Wjlveraity MY13gazine FoRs FERnUARY, PRxCE 2s. 6d., CONTAINS:-l. Gallery of Illustrious Irishmen- C No. XI.Swift-2. An Adventure of Hardross Fitzgerald, from the Purcell papers-3. Confessions of Harry Lorroquer-Conclusvion-4 ...

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... Dublin: WILLIAb4 CURRY, Jun. and Company; Samuel Holdsworth, London. Sold by all Booksellers is the United Kingdom. ARMY AND NAVY. The March Number of T HE UNITED SERVICE JOURNAL, ANDWAVAL AND MILITARY MAGAZINE, Contains, among other important Papers, Captain ...

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... Inthe same place.Tes heco wolharo frequenstly seen, notvltlh- v alo~d ChurchmenI who( wvore lndolig nwhl saue libels onl Irishmen sand their religion mayv lhave liad their proceedilif interrupted by individuals, but Ifte mail means thbtttle ibcmals, as ...

Advertisements & Notices

... (the palpable object of Lord Stanley's atrocious scheme) the people's power to elect their representatives- a power which Irishmen would be slaves to surrender but with the sacrifice of their lives. Proposed by J. D. Ellard, Esq., J.P., Swinford; se- conded ...

Advertisements & Notices

... -The Duel. Chaptefl TheReturn. ChapterX.-TheEleeti'n.ChJ er XI.-An Adventure. Chapter XIf.- TFree. 4. Gallery of Illustrious Irishmen-No. XL-Swift- Part Iff. with ana Etching. 5. The Church Education Society-Professor Butler's Sermons. 6. Law and Lawyers-Second ...

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... insolent oppression from the enemies of Ireland, the late tyrannical attempt of Lord Stanley to trample upon the rights of Irishmen distances all former examples of legalised despotism, and entities the person from whom it originated to the first place ...

Advertisements & Notices

... insolent oppression from the enemries of Ireland, the late tyrannical attempt of Lord Stanley to trample upon the rights of Irishmen distances all former examples of legalised despotism, and entitles the person from whom it originated to the first place ...

Advertisements & Notices

... etching. 3. Our Fellow Lodgers; by Rev. Robert Walsh, ?? &c. 4. Stray Leaflets from the German Oak. a. Gallery of Illustrious Irishmen-No. XL- wift- Part IV. 6. Birch's Translation of Faust. 7. Charles O'Malley, the Irish Dragoon, b arr or- ?? XIII.-The Journey ...

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... creed, d to come forward and prove to our enemies how impotent is n F their malice when opposed to the united exertions of eight millions of Irishmen. r Moved by Mr.Patrick Mackeon; seconded by Mr. Hef- h t fernan: Resolved-It is our decided opinion that ...

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... means of establishing a Repeal Club, W.ithout distinction of Creed or Party_ a Body to be united in a firm phalanx, never to dissolve till Repeal is effected. IRISHMEN, ATTEND-BE AT YOUR POST. Ireland requires every Man to do his duty. By order of the Committee ...

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... bottle is saved, duty included. Sold by all Medicine Venders in this town also in every oiler town asndcity throughout the United Kingdom, Ame- rica, and. the Continent of Europe.. PREPARED ON.LY BY R. & L' PERRY & CO; No. 4, Great Charles street, Birmingham ...

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... domestic Parliament, which alone can rescue us from the humiliation of a degraded Province; and we heartily pledge ourselves to unite with our fellow-citizens and the dniversal people of Ireland by | every peaceable, loyal, and constitutional exertion to achieve ...