... literary martyr, anxious to obtain employment and cannot procur it, and now forced to appeal to the generous feelings of Irishmen and Britons in the last extremity of distress I We do most heartily second this appeal, and trust it will be brought before ...


... a Lecture on the Intellectuality of Domestic animals`-the continuation of Swift's Life in the Gal. ?? of Illustrious Irishmen-embracing a dark and mysterious part of his existence--and a second article on Law and Lawyers, are the most interesting ...


... of Mr. O'Connell's natal s day, when the Liberator of his country attained the sixty- t, fifth year of his age. Long may Irishmen have to rejoice in succeeding returns of a day sacred to the cause of civil and religions freedom, not only in Ireland, but ...


... financial offices of his own country filled by Irishmen; yet the writer in The Citizen may depend upon it, itis an unwise topic to agitate. Let the system which he contends for be carried out,-let Irishmen be appointed to every office of honour or profit ...


... cause of temperance, and a must Undoubtedly serve to strengthen and reline the ties u of brotherly alliection which should unite man and man. An I hatred for slavery is implanted in human nature * you may v have often heard it described in the glowing ...


... AND LABOURER'S HAND-BOOK, AND TRUE GUIDE TO THE UNITED STATES.-London, Charles Knight 6 Co. This little volume is the production of a working-man; Who, having been a sojourner in various parts of the United States, during a period of four years, practically ...


... afterwards included among the more formidable newspaper extracts, submitted to parliament in proof of the designs of the united Irishmen. Thisletter, on its appearance, he read out to his whole family from the chimney corner, as his custom was with the chief ...


... MTrSBATURE. ll :'xI IRISH IJFE, IN THE CASTLE, TH: COUYRT, AND THE COUNTRY.- 3 Volumes. London: 'How and Parsons. :wil Although Irishmen of high literary talent, who wish to realize their dreams of famne and fortune, are compelled, the owing to the poverty that ...


... this charge as the former. And we hase ho1nr, too, that Irishmen were driven into sosne of these rebellijrs dcignedly, for the most iniquitous of pur- POses; that the cruelties perpetrated by Irishmen have been ftlly equalled by tihe cruelties of Englishmen ...


... General. But Curran did more than all this-ise did what few men would do, and what no other man did-lie defended the United Irishmen; he did it fearlessly and faithfully; be defended theta at the time of civil rage-at the period of torture, of martial ...


... whose title is given above. Devoted to the glories of his country with an intensity which only Ireland can inspire, and which Irishmen alone can feel, Mr. O'Callaghan has devotea to the elucidation of a period in our history, the events of which have been ...

Glasgow, Saturday, September 11, 1841. Price One-Halfpenny

... O’Connell has been solely directed to prevent its entrance—even in Ireland we have our associations raising their heads. Irishmen are beginning to see the systematic betrayal of their interests by this man—they are now beginning to feel that their beautiful ...