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... 7 morn 29, Thursday. morn oO, Friday 84 inoru 31, Saturday .10, morn To and Fro from Carditf-8th, 23rd, and 24th. REDUCED FAKES —After Cabin, 3s.; Fore Cabin, Is. Gd. To and Fro—After Cabin, 4s.; Fore Cabin, 2s. Children, Hall-price. For further particulars ...


... TRUCK! TRUCK! TRUCK! t T a PUBLIC MEETING held at the TOWN 1-.i.. HALL, ABERDARE, on WEDNESDAY Evening last. APRIL 9, lBol, To fake into consideration the late establishment of a Truck Shop in the Parish, Mr. GEORGE WATTS in the Chair, The following resolutions ...


... 6^ morn 125, Saturday 84 morn ^7, Monday •••• 'J morn J 28, Tuesday .» IS nojil Wednesd 11 lnurn I 30, Thursday 2j, after FAKES: Alter Cabin, Is.; Fore Cabin, 6d. Omnibuses are in waitiuK at Cardiff, on the arrival of the Earners to convey pas.eugers ...


... pointing out the course to be taken, but pointed out the danger that attended the Emperor, an) they called upon the Government to fake 8 ich measures for his secuiily as they might devise. The Government diJ what they were bound to do,-consulled its law officers ...


... furniture on the pavement for sale.—Also Wil'iam Williams and Ann Thomas were charged un- der the same circumstances with exposing fruit on the pavement. They all admitted the offences, but com- plained that they bad been selected for prosecution, as the ...