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Lancaster Observer and Morecambe Chronicle


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Lancaster Observer and Morecambe Chronicle


... Halton, May 2nd, 1889, J. WILKINSON. INFANT MORTALITY, Peai S, -Would you allow me to refute a statement made at the last meeting of the Lan- caster Town Council by his Worship the Mayor, in reference to infantile mortality and burial societion, Now, sir, ...


... motion was carried, and the committee are already at work. Mr. Gilchrist stated some striking facts. One was that the infant mortality of Lancaster is above the average ; the other, that if the death.rate could be be reduced to 16 per I,ooo—no unreasonable ...


... the fact of the fatalities which beset infant life in towns, Some 25 per cent. of them dio in their first year, and by the fiith almost ogo-half of them have run their mortal carcer, Such being the fact where infant assurance doos not obtain, it seems at ...

Fancaster Obsevver, FRIDAY, MAY 3, 1889,

... figures the mortality of Lancaster ia really alarming and demands instant sttention. For delay will certainly have the effect of further adding to the death-sato ; and we muy fullow the terrible course of Preston, which had last week a mortality of 35 in ...


... increase, [ In almost every year the mortality in the June quarter ia less than what is in each of the others, and this appears to be the ease in the town and sub-district of Laneaster. There was o decrease (in the mortality of the latter in the period which ...

Fanraster Gbsevver,

... figures the mortality of Lancaster is really alarming and J demands instant ettention. For delay will cortainly have the effect of further adding wl the death-eate ; and we iy fullow the terrible | course of Preston, which had last week nl mortality of 35 in ...

BIRTIS, DEATHS, ETC., IN ENGLAND AND WALES. The births registered in the last quarter were 16,653, and ..

... 65,0643 wales and 62 178 females, In squsl aamvry ivieg, the desths of males were 111 to 100 females Thers wer- 31 255 of infants under onn year, 62 374 of persons ased between one sad o 0 years, ana 34 191 of adulus upwards of 60, Th-ro were 14,093 d-aths ...


... GALGATE. GALGATE LiTERARY Socrery.—On Friday evening last, in the Infants’ School-room, Galgate, a lecture on “ Poetry” was delivered by the Rev. T. 8. Polehampton, incumbont of St. John’s Church, Ellel. C. Johnson, Esq., occupied the chair, and briefly ...

Friday Afternoon, February 8 T 3 D e | BIRTHS, DEATHS, ETC., N|t ENGLAND AN WALES, |po The virthis registered

... 62 178 females, In squanl | the Boag nam'ers iiving, the deaths of males were 111 to We a 100 feaales Thers wer 31 255 of infants under | won, and o year, 62 373 of persons ased between one and &g un disc &) years, ana 34 191 of adults upwards of 60 84t ...

“rida.v Afternoon, August 30, 1889,

... frightful mortality of the labouring poor adds to the restlessness and disaatisfaction. Preston has had the evil notoriety of beinz the most death-stricken spot in the British Islands for a considerable tima. Occasionally of late ita rate of mortality haa reached ...

Friday Afternoon, August 30, 1889,

... frightfal mortality of the labouring poor adds to the restlessnes: and disaatisfaction. Preston has had the ovil notoriety of beinz the most death-stricken epot in the British Islands for a considerable tims. Occasionally of late its rate of mortality has reached ...


... increase of 10 upon that recorded in the corresponding period of last year, MORTALITY IN LANCASTER. In the quarter which has just ended there was | & decrease in the mortality of the town and subdistrict of Lancaster, for the deaths were 182 Wimt 192 in ...