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Antrim, Northern Ireland

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... T1urnbull, the preseint dercit- daist, w ti is a inaster marneir at II']itliy). III Consequientce of his engagemtnet; to marry AMiss Par-kin, the plaistliff haed tittirred coiisiilerable expetiso in teling a largo house inl Nevwcastle, sisd fiirtnishiiig ...

Assize Intelligence

... the murder of Thomas Flynn, with a gun-slot wound, at Dysart, tlte seat of Captain Ogle, was also acquitted. hJr. Vjcc is married to a iiiece isf tie late Captails Ogle, hsn left his estate to hiln, tiil Coptaiil Ogle's two neplesrs clailsing title taoreto ...

Assize Intelligence

... M'11Iwsrdth, guilty of a simila; offence. To be ito- prisoned two montihs, with hard lahiour. B1GstMY. Philip MAlfula, for marrying Jane M'Connell, on the 4th of Novemiler list, at Newry i he beiing a inarriesl sain, and his former wife, Elleai Crowby, ...

Assize Intelligence

... witlt such a book, titlogh without the Colotoel's permissioo , Before witness was married prisoner told lie had spoklen to Cor' oY amd had given him some niottey to marry tit t. Went tt W~Vhite- house by the direction of the prisonter ttt get inerried ...


... Gibbs, fl farmer acid lot) glOrwe' ill the same llneighboullrthoodl, to re- cover damages for his breacic of promadise to marry )ce C. The dcfendilant, i addiitionc to tie uisual formal ?? celeyinlg tice cucicicg of the prlormcise, also caused to be placed ...

Assize Intelligence

... At the rsreeeit slay tls re is a dleterminai stioni to divnie every 5 iiig tis extremes. Peruhaps this ysing aniss we ii't marry you soiuv aitiiess. Yes, lie ivill. Thiis wcas thme cane for' the proseesitiosi. Csumisel fur lefe iii sst s silosimitil tli ...


... second hsilusbass of ?? prisoner statesdi tfhs extrasrdiisary fact flint lle issd asked tile first hisbalind's emiaseist to marry Isis iife, and at tile sassie litsle asked him if lie hail asvthiig agisist lier. 1-is Liirdsllil-YOsU wvisfiesl to have a ...

Fashion and Varieties

... the green vihiro s of tie wood unmtl ltre dilaw. 'The P~rincess is ci most reriuahrlalol ireorits -a Pohe ho birth, andr married to ?? of tire ?? oflieers rilorrl the Iperson of le Czir. Sire is trill, anil shrInelt, cod1 veer fair-, wveacing her ora ...

Law Intelligence

... assared Mr. Samuoel that lie meant to marry lais dialglter, on %which an odd sort of igreemenit in writing was drawn op. The plailtiff aiidl defeniilaiit -indettook to forfeit anil pay .G20 if they refused to marry within six months. The defendanit diid ...


... Otne of tbese staten tiat the Bill Ivas vie-ed wnith alninor- rence, and it was also mentiontetl that a widower, havinsg married his deccased wvife's sister, the parties svere held ttot to be in comnsuttion wuith th/e chn'urcl, unttil titey had sepa- ...

Law Intelligence

... his ?? s were succh as to lead hisic to be re- gariledi as the foture hushacici of the ladiy. Ile diseclaicoc lie ilea of marrying for nioiicy; his worsh)ilp was at a purer shrine than that of minnaooo)n lie said he Iniglit have icad girls vwith money ...


... your public officer, who Ilies dcrigmmed it. I have liecr iii every Court- Irouse irs I rul amd :I have imeem irs a great marry in Enmgland11 and it apleacrs to mne, curl indeed I may safely say, misat there certainly is meet onie is Ireland, anii very ...