... which apes what it Is should not. A slim, green volume, called Salad for the Solitary, by au Epicure, tempted us by d- its title to partake of its contents. It may well e, be termed a salad, for the ingredients are it not the author's own, but gathered ...


... i' SALAD FOR THE SO ITAR Y AND THE SOCIA L. * Is estimating the value of such a work as this it must not be forgotten that though choice anecdotes, epitaphs, and comic songs about camomile tea (elucidative of The Mysteries of Medicine ) are not ...

Chats with Housekeepers

... the a searqb, and if through these means the salad can be sent to table without having touched either water or a knife (for the lettuce should be torn not out), the salad would 3 be perfection. When salad leaves must be washed (and a ittis only the innermost ...

The Home

... mnelted butter, and then baits slowly u~ntil well done. SALADS. An excellent salad dressing maby be made by takinu one teaspoonful of mixed mustard, the same of powdered Eugar, two tablespoozuls of salad oil, four of Imilk, two tablesuoufule of white vinegar ...


... without a salad. But few English persons know Ilov to dress a really good salad in the way every French rest aurant waiter perfectly understands and there is a sort of English prejudice against oil with which we w lave to contend; but if the salad be properly ...


... genius. I dined with a German friend the other day, and I was struck with the variety of salads on the table. We had potato salad, bean salad, and an ordinary lobster salad. I think, perhaps, we neglect this form of diet a little in England. One seldom sees ...


... 3sareh, Nith the wind in his wings wide-spread, Leaps from heaven, and the deep day's arch Hails re-ri- en xailn from the dead Salad March. S~oft samall flamee on rowan sad larch Lie Ik forth as laughter on lips that said Nught ?? the pulse iil them beat ...


... 's86sohuing, or'.us6 a salad diessin J ias Mjint leaves canl be chloipped up' and put in the fu ay salad, or some Nvholc ,oucs can bo used for lic cal garuishiag. 'Iodr a'better stlad, cut tbe ineat'i mI icle for mixing vvith the salad itself, and let there ...

Chats with Housekeepers

... balm gives out an agreeable smell, something like new mown hay. .Burnt.-This plant used to be called Salad Burnet, be. cause it was much used in salads to give them a finer -flavour. It was named Poterium because it was one of the ingredients used in the ...


... crispness, the ideal of a French salad. Cut thelettuceleaves into dainty pieces not too small, and lay them in a salad howl. BoiltwO eggs hard, remove the yolks, cut the white in rings with which to garnish the salad, rub the yolks down with a teaspoonful ...


... (le la France; on others the heroes of the Revolution are the subjects. Mirabeau n'est plus sa)s one. On a Nivernois salad dish is written, Aux manes de Mirabeau la patrie reconnaissante. In the rude pictures drawn on utensils of daily use the ...

The Home

... and simmer five minutes. Then rmb through a tamamy, and, if not of a, good I colour, add a little spinach green. SALADS. For a good salad for eight persons take three lettuces, two handfuls of mustard and cress, ten young radishes, and a few elices of ...