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... THE NEWPORT IURDER. The conduct of Maurice Murphy and Patrick Sallivan, the two young Irishmen charged with the robbery and savage murder of the poor infirm old woman, Jane Lewis, in a wood near Bassalleg, has been marked by a degree of levity extraordinary ...


... to join, as a connexion, in the fietee crusade that has been directed against Ecclesiastical Establisbiments. Wesleyana are united, as a conoexion, for pssrposes strictly religiouss, and for these only. To political questions isrdividual WVes. ieyans attend ...


... teamed Alawson went into crop r. the Lloyds Arms Inn, Duke-street, having a bay spade iii age q his hand at the timeo. Some Irishmen, who were drinking thoaq ,ore in the house at the time, quarrelled with Mawson, end one last y idly,I of them struck him ...


... emigrants, imprisoned paupers, and dismayed inhabitants; united also by a common desire to apply their powers and faculties to the discovery of some po- tent remedy for this national affliction; united by a common belief that this remedy lies in a careful ...


... defendant is, and has been twenty-eight years, the owner of a mill upon a branch of the er Rennet. At the point where the branch unites with the a stream there is, and alvays has been, a dam (for the pur- pe of keeping up the water in the river), constructed ...


... eons of temlierance, cail several sections of yoata C. cadets, and unions of the daugleters of temperance, firmly pros 3 , united hand in hand to drive the demon intemnperance Hin is from tiseir shores. He said lee footed, according to the peec Is returns ...

The Provinces

... cheerful disposition. At that time his two sons, centl: 1, who were his only children, sailed in the Coamro, andt I- for the United States, having been frequently so- of Co-, hlcted to come over by their aunt, who had been at a few New York for twventy years ...

The Provinces

... very col1 cheerful disposition. At that time his two sons, con who were his only children, sailed in the Cosino, aue for the 'United States, having been firequently Eo- off licied o coe oer by their aunt, who had been at ai New York for twenty years. From ...


... of Berry Edge, for assaulting Pltrick Hemiey, was fined 5s toil Its Gd ?? the following ease, it appeared that a number of Irishmen had met at Shot!oy hiring to enioy themselves, but as a strong body of police were in ?? tendance to Iceep order, they load ...


... Th speake sad parties on whose behalf he so- tii licited temporary assistance were twenty-eight in number, bc and mostly Irishmen horn, but who bad subsequently ac- to quirel the privileges of American citizens. They had, however, been liberated by the ...