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Altrincham, Cheshire, England

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FATAL ACCIDENT AT MARSTON. On Wedneaday, an irquest was held b-fore Mr. Dun. stan at the Ked Lion Inn, Manton, ..

... heard a noise, as if & man was sick on the barn floor ; went down, opened the bamm door, and led to a building where three Irishmen ka He asked them 10 go and belp him as he thought that “:T was burt ; they refused, but zave him a candle ot matches. He ...


... Scot'and 1,1 :h. The winning score is the bighest ever made. highest individual scores in the contest were mado by twe young Irishmen, who secured 161 pointa. ONE HUNDRED MINERS SUFFOCATED. Thé New York Tribune reports:—* A dreadful eatas. mhw h—mmudmluh ...

. ——— e ven SR -. . v e o - e ST > tan e - P > N

... Derbyshire to Yorkshire, and theeby separated the coa! fields of Lancashire and Yorkshire 'mmzwhu!y in d:nh&lhylm oue great united field. In con. el he called attention to some sections and plans of the limestone districts, in confirmation of the views ...


... could wish otherwise than it is. My dear fricod Lyttl-ton ssid you know littls in comparison of the man with whom sbe bas united ber lot, and it is srme; bt once or twice you have seen him and heard him in the Church,and have had some oppoitanity of ...


... the anoual meeting of the Dablin and Meath Kailway Company on Satasdas. None of the English directors were re-elected, and Irishmen were chosen to il their ylece on the Board. An lrish Central Press telegram says :—“Mr, A, M, ::th., M. P., bas se lsqunn’tohlm:m ...


... it to be. A faction Ssht took place in Liverpool on Sunday, in one of the lowest quarters of the town, between a number of Irishmen of several atroe's, who had formed themselves into factions, Stones and half bricks were harled about, knives were used, ...

+ Including provision for Bad Debts

... Englishmen and Irishmen, and he trusted, no matter however those who were :;pou-l to them might differ, that it would never | to any quarrelling or illfeeling. (Hear) Englishmen had their ideas about h‘l.un:u, and let them have them. Irishmen should not ...


... already di The managers have been twice asked to . They refuse on the ground of Chancery h“e_--‘ A demonstration of about Irishmen and their gm thisers was held in H; Park, London, on the coutinued incarceration of the -h.m-\ and the continuance of the ...


... persuasion England, and is even less popular in Canada. An Tlndinn Judge last year told Glasgow * he was not one who believed in uniting the Colonies to our country in a perpotual bond ; but that Judge had lately returned from India and was more under Indian ...

Beaaty's sign is st.ll encrimsoned On thy lips and in thy eheeks; ‘A'u-l dp‘cu:.‘u pnle‘fl:\g

... The speaker |Lhm deals with the injustice of the F-‘ distribution of seats, giving an instance, Portarl lington, where 76 Irishmen returned a member to Parliament while 18000 Liberals in Mauchester were unable to returm Jacob Bright. Mr. Disraeli had ...


... and mocks the keenest prevision ; li:t Freedom’s battle, once b‘gu. W by bleeding swre to son, Is oft, but ever won. The United States are reaping some of the worst fraits of Democratic Government when earried oa by & weak executive. The long dopression ...

1'1(I: CAL ~RDIN, ATIOUST 10, 1879

... mall knot of Irishmen alone out of the nationalities composing that great contrite State, the British Empire. should feel called upon to raise the cry for a Home Parliament. Welsh. men and Seotehmen may be much in need of Home Rule as Irishmen. Hoe could ...