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.h 11

... h 11 ©tit SoitrspontUnt. THE Irish question is always with us, even in the dullest the seasons, when electric lamp upon Clock Tower extinguished, and tbe painters and decorators are the sole occupants the most comfortable club in London, Both sides of the House are convinced that the present Parliament has the best chance of settling tbe Home Rule difficulty that has ever been offered, Neither ...


... SOUTHER.V LEAGUE. SWINDON TOWN V. MILWALL ATHLETIC. was a matter for wiJespre*d regret that the return fixture j between the above teams in the Southern League competition was not played under more favorable circumstances regards i the weather, t'lan was 'he case last Saturday. Some surprise , was naturally expressed that the match was permitted played all, seeing how hard the ground frozen. ...

THROAT IRRITATION AND COUGH. Soreness and dryness, tickling and irritation, inducing cough and affecting the ..

... Epps's Glycerine Jujubes. contact with the glands at the moment they are excited by the act of sucking, the Glycerine in these agreeable confections becomes actively healing. Sold only in boxes, 7£d. tins Is 'l£d, labelled JAMES EPPS & Co., Ltd., Homoeopathic Chemists, Tendon. Dr. Moore, in his work on Nose and Throat Diseases, says: The Glycerine.Jujubes prepared by James Epps and Co., ...