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... tad Edition. Gazette Office, 3-15 p.m. The Preee Association to state that the estate of the late Dibn of Hertford proved lid Bel £340,99 published k> eosse of the papers. ...


... Monday Evening The stock markets to-day opeaed with an unde- cided appearance, mainly on monetary considera- tions, the European political advices still strengthening the belief in the continuance of peace, whilst the weather for the time isfavourable, and the accounts frora the leading commercial centres, in- cluding the shipbuilding trade, are of an encouraging and hopeful character ; hence ...

An EXPEDITION of WORKINGMEN is to be sent to the WORLD'S FAIR, CHICAGO, on a TOUR of OBSERVATION, all Expenses

... to be Defrayed by the DUNDEE WEEKLY NEWS PROPRIETORS. The selection of members for the Expedition will be made POPULAR VOTE. Read Full Particulars on PAGE FOUR, of the DUNDEE WEEKLY NEWS this week, and get your Nomination Paper filled and sent without delay to the Director, Workingmen's Expedition, WEEKLY NEWS OFFICE, DUNDEE. ...


... MONTIAY Ev__ST_.G. BillLrol-eis were desirous of fixing rather higher rates of discount this morning, hut the highest quotation, 3| percent., for three months _3ax_i bills was not the usual one. Paper of this description was taken at 3| per cent., and the quotation for short-dated hills was a 'fraction less. The market was quiet, and its firmness cauie simply from the conviction that we are ...

Advertisements & Notices

... F A P ME I S SEND TOUi t ONVX WOOL TO BE VADE IN TO CLOTi, trom 1s. 3r. to 2s. 4d. per Yard. iBLANKjiTS, from 1s. 2d. to 2. 6d. cdre Yard. FLA~NC;ELS, om Is. 6d. per Yard. Sroctt-NG S lN, from 19d. Per Ib. ?Rtternl ?? to select tlOm. Carliago Paid tO Cnd from the Mills oa all Or~ert over £2. TYLER AND CO. MAESLLYN MILLS, LLANDYSSIL, SOUTH WVALE;S. 93g S sEXCEL-1141OR I Wi3HISKY. \ S ' tl ...