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Huddersfield, Yorkshire, England

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aE-octrtt, (Diiflinal and

... A LA FRONTIERE I We Rive our readers a translation of the song, A la Fron- Here I which, written by M . Jules Frey, aud set to music by the operatic composer, Gounod, has within the last few weeks ne- 'e me very popular in Paris : — To mt PMnnloi ? Ho I citizens 1 Ho I soldiers, rise 1 Be France's voice your rallying call ; Her hearths and homes to disenthrall, Up 1 ere the hour of battle ...


... At Tuam Quarter Sessions, yesterday, there were 3everai o^sts .1 excitement. Mrs. B dkin, of Ballymoe, | plaiutift in c_e case, was unable to appear as she had been Boyco.ted, nnd was unable to get her horses shod. I;: another case a car owner, who had let his c : s to the p.iice for the conveyance of prisoners, , was repo. te ii by tho Head-.onstab!e to be afraid to yen- > ture on ■ while the ...


... (BT TELMBAPH, PIB WSB ASSOCIATION.) HOUSE OF LORDS.— Ykstkrdat. The Lordships met at 11 o'clock. Tbe Consolidated Fond (No. 2) Bill was passed through its final stages. Their Lordships adjourned at 11-5. HOUSE OF COMMONS.— Ywihrdat. The Speaker took the chair at 12-45. IRISH CONVENTION AOT. Sir J. M«KENNA moved tha second reading of the Convention (Ireland) Act Repeal Bill. He explained that ...


... ri o inaJt^^f^: ~~ COURTSHIP UP TO DATE. They were sitting close together a pleasant, shady nook; They looked at one another a longing, loving look ; Then Edwin broke the silence 1 & with emotion shook, u 0 Qoftlv, softly whispered. H b |n°ehna-«an you cook ? His anxious face grew tranquil, ansjercd p Yes , H, Vo ?? could express ; 2 Und sought Angelina 8 fn a lingering caress; «.. Vp said, ...

publications COATES' LIBRA EY, in connection with MUDIE'S. One Complete Set of Books at a time for 12s. 6d. a-year,

... and may be exchanged every day. Now in Circulation : — Aids to Faith — the Authorised Volume of Answers to Essays and Reviews. Buckle's Civilisation, vols. 1 and 2. Beaufort's Egyptian Sepulchres. Kavanagh's French Women of Letters. Watson's Life of Porson. Dickens' Great Expectations. Tom Brown at Oxford. Reade's Cloister and the Hearth. Young Stepmother, by Author 'of Heir of Redclvffe. ...


... ~ — Wool. Saturday .— xne wuu* ?? I^^Lr but there is very little increase in prices are as low as ever. The ?? the supphes are Sosomr* lo _JSholders are inclined to press sales, ye. beBV . t fleece and lambs' wools are in fair Cboi^ ** Jj v rices , while co onial wools are in ne st at steauv I ?? Bteßdier# fi:ttle Wj^Jr__Stody- Worsted flat. «£ lb s wool j arn stu^ market *^ a >tHEstb i v h ...


... SPECIAL MEETING OF THE IMPROVEMENT COMMISSIONERS APPOINTMENT OF SURVEYOR. A special meeting of the Huddersfield Improvement Commissioners was held at the Board-room, Ramsden- street, on Monday evening, to appoint a Surveyor in the stead of Mr. James Armytage, who, it will be remem- bered, has accepted the Surveyorship of the borough of Preston. Joseph Turner, Esq. (chairman), presided. ...

gtttcs, ortflinal aafl jftbettfl

... g tttcs, ortflinal aafl jftbettfl. APRIL. - ev'rywhwe *prinfc-time is breathing KT^2S'«a aud beauty togladJen the earth ; , dL of .Inisies tho young hands are wreathing, o* r «idViia'» ,ffß °* 9nnahint * n * P^Uag* of mirth. TViIJ flowers choice and fair, 810-Homs from everywhere, _,_ min (t on nill-top, adorning each bongh ; Vioouwß p rinjroi , e gad snowdrop white, bluebells and roses bright ...


... HOME NEWS. ..tiffl ASSOCIATION, AND FBOM (BI TELEGRAPH B j £^ D £ rs J THE TWfW yesterday, the Grand At the WlDtor Assizes a againgt Jury for the oounty v KUJ ftnd Jame , D&i i Ti lor Michael D***«, , °° the part of the Attoraey-Geoeral, iaditloc. Counsel, on wer9 {oUD(J three banded to the coU ' ?? the trial to the Queen's writs of ...


... ?? HANDS. r m h-_nds. so soft and white the coins of gold, Holding friendship's clasp so slight That the pressure soon grows cold, Busy hands, that ceaseless toil, Feeling ne'er a love-caress, Shrinking not from labour's soil With a pretty daintiness. Weary hands, that trembling droop Only to be raised again, While the aching head must stoop With a prayer for ease from pain. Quiet hands, that ...

—^55therton association

... nfPROVLNG THE BREEDS OF PIGS AND ?? 8 POULTRY. 1^ exhibition of this Association was held on j last, in a ne^ near *° tne R OB 6 an(^ Crown at 'v therton- The entries of stock were more mune- &* * ha d been expected, and were of a very excel- hanwter, and it must have been a matter of con- -I ...


... We called attention lset week to the desirability of Huddersfield endeavouring to obtain an addi- tional seat before the general election. The Chancellor of the Exchequer having stated that the six vaoandes caused by disfranchised boroughs will be ?? up befere the dissolution, no time ahould be lost in bringing the claims of Hudders- field before the Government. The Crewe Town CouncU, on ...