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... her saintly life and of her happy career in the convent in Cort, where she lived and died. A tribute to the genius of Mr. Oscar Wilde, the winner of the Oxford Newdigate Poetry Prize; a reminiscence of A Sick Call in Aatralbia, and some notices of new ...


... Rev. Dr. Lanigan, Bishop of Melbourne, has left Black's Royal Hotel, Ryre-square, Galway. Lady Wilde, Mr. Wilde, and Mr. Oscar Wilde, have left Mersion-square for Moytura House, county Mayo, Lord Strathnairn left Kingstown yesterday :for Englanld. | Lady ...


... blank verse on Magdalen, by A. O'B. ; au Invoca- tion to sleep, by John B. Tabb, of Maryland ; and a sonnet by Mr. Oscar Wilde, on a famous picture of the Anun nciation which he had seen in the Va- tican Gallery at itome. A capital essay on the Centenary ...


... politician ; Sir !.cts Lyndsay, the famous virtuoso ; Bret Harte, the immrortal creator of the Heathen Chinee snr. Oscar Wilde, the young Irish poet; Mr. john }Hollingshead, the veteran Englisheritic * Mr. W. S. Gilbert, and other vwell-known men ...


... of the number are Ethel Tane, with a eonnet for ?? Wednesday; Alice Esmonde, witlt a pretty hittle bit At Rest; and Oscar Wilde, -ith me- mioreie oJ aM agdleu WafieB in Oxord as tbe trod them somne ?? day in a breezy March. A couple of pares of literary ...


... Dal- ton Fitzgeralu, Col Thauds. Mr and rs Edawra GCin- noes., M~rLions] Boyle,. Mr Hlill Trevor, Mc Pita O',flaey, r Oscar Wilde, Mr1 H Roe aid bliss H1all, Mr V Daw- son, M.1r Wiuginseld, Mlr J Doley, M~r Borthwick, M1r A Moo0re, Mir Mlontaga Curry ...


... More O Ferral, James Armstrong, H iB Maxwell, IV Deane Richardson, J H Verachoyle, Alexander Hlowe, Lewvis Henry Evans, Oscar Wilde, L Pern, H H Tombs, J Richardson, Charles Scroope, G 0 Tombe, Charles Argies, R Richardson, Q C. NEW MANTLE WAREROOMS, 108 ...


... Manning, Xostt Rev. Dr. Leahy, and Dr. Newman, and suceh pot a Lady Georgiansa Fullarton, Denis Florence M'Carthy, and Oscar Wilde praise the book for its piety and itsfpoetry, commendation from us woultd re super. duous and almost impertinent. In humble ...


... J., and Hunyades, or Hungary in the Fifteenth Century, are con- r tinued, but not concluded. A pretty sonnet by Mr. Oscar Wilde, some vigorous lines on Mara- thou, and an effusive address to ' Roma Felix, make up the poetry, which is not the best ...


... O'Brien, N Proud, Winter, S Garnett, Robert Lloyd W)'oollcombc, Edward Sulli- van, G'elwsy Robert O'Maley, W J French, Oscar Wilde, Aricoe, 84th Regiment.; Sub.Lieutenant N Davis, The uBaufts; Wm Armstrong, Wallace, Jgng, Matheson, Edward Fi Xurray,4 ...