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... THE JUBILEE AM) THE LTrVEOL CHARITIES. 1o foafowing letter Ihas been'received by the L seezet-y of the Liverpool Central Relief and *t Cwarity Organisation Society:- d Liverpool, April 1, 1887. Dear Mr. Grsewood,-Wa have been con- if sidering what was fittaug for us to contribute in this jublee year as a thank-offering for biessings . enjoyed dring the reign of our belved Queen, It d is ...


... NiATUTRAL HISTORY MUISEUM I To rgz 3ntTots OF THE Li7LlPOOL X=CtPT. ?? is difficult to understand the rsiowj taken un by your correepondent ' E. I ?? April 2i. I gather that. on the whole, . te i! favourably disposed towarde my sebeme for tehlng evolution by means of public musemms; dt the same time kis vague remarks upon somse e ,ogical theorie', and his evident satisfaction with 1 t2 e t ...


... The date of opening the summer eitbi tion of the Royal Cas ubrian Acdey at Plus Mawr, Conway, will probably be June 1, after the close of the exhibition of the Quesn's album' snketchs, which are now being mounted in London, For the exhibition the Queen has promised to lend Sir F. Leighton's large picture of Cunabue, representing a processioan (con- sisting tof the picture of Cunabue, his ...


... I ROYAL JUBIEE, EXHIBITION, TANCHESTER I ARRANGTEMENTS FOP. THE OPENING CEREMONY. At the meeting of the Er ecutive Committee held on Wednesday afternoon, the Receptions Committee sub- mitted a draft of the arrangements for ?? opening ceremony. As already announced, the Royal party i will arrive at the E xhibition from Manchester at two o'clock. Luncheon W immediately be served in the i palm ...


... ! LITEUARY NOTICES. I Yietri By Henry W. Clarke. LndonD: Oeiorge Redway. At a time whenj in Scotlaid and Wales eRpcilIy, dissutahlisiinot in crtainly in the air, ?? in Eng d the matterings of the coming storm are being heard, this is a dieaen- able, a to l the friends of religious equality it will prore a very welcome, volume. The auhor eontes that tithes had their origin in ing this, the ...


... i! NATURAL HiSTORY MUSEUMS. I TO THE ORO0 THRz LrIXwP0L MC3CR3Y. Gentlernn,-Yonr ise of Monday, 28th, con- tains the report of a lecture delivered by Profssor Herdman, before the Literary and Philosophical | Society, on the museat of the future, in which ithe Professor traverses-a staement I mae some time ago in reference to the inflonce of imr. Darwin's works on our emistinc i m and I must ...


... ICOPYRTIGHT IN MUSICAL COMPOSITIONS. On Thursday a deputation waited upon Baron de Worms in support of Mr. &ddson's bill relative to copyright in musical compositions. The deputation consisted of the Mayor of Ashton.nnder-Lyne, Mr. Booth (Ashton), Messrs. Morley, Bailey, and Hartley (Manchester), Mr. Johnson (Oldham), Mr. CIneas (Bolton), and others. Mr. Addison, Mr. Maclure, Mr. Maclean, Mr. ...


... Rossini's Stabat Mater is to form the first part of the Pbilbarmonilc concen to morrow night, and will be succeeded by Bach's cantata God's Time is the Best, Becker's Sacred Dialg, and Handel's The King shall Rejoic. Interleaved between these choral numbers there will be a duet from an opera of Winter's, Ll Ratto di Proserpino, the big tenor song from Gonnod'a Irene, and the same ...


... The sale of the late Alexander Stewart's col- lection of pictures, at New York, realised £102,750-aboat £137,250 less than the Morgan collection, which was sold last year. The prices obtained showed as great a depreciation at the end as at the commencement of the sale, which may be attributed to the fact that the great bulk of the pictures were the works of second-rate artists. Among the ...


... THE FREE LIBRAARY, 3.1USEUM. AND ART GALLERY. The 34th annual rport of the comnittce of the Ieverpool Free Public Libtrary, :Museum, and Walker Art Gallery states that circumstances haN e recenti occurred a lich threaten seriously to affect in future the proMrSS andt deselopmect of the various free library brarichbe, if not to rejuire tbe abandonment of some. Tbe inst:uuion Iuas been titherto ...


... It is beginning to be better ?? English artists that they may look with more I-Certainty for patromage and support from Americans and other Eagiish-speaking countries than has hitherto been the case. The French have long had thestart of us in Ai erica* where Meissorier, Bonnat, and Cabanal have received somz-of their most important commissions for portraits from Americans; while OudinotLthe ...


... PUBLIC AMUSEMENTS I ALEIANDRA THATRF A melodrama entitled 'The Secrets of the Poliee, the author of which is Mr. Mark Nalfard, was seen in Lverpooi for the firt thee au Mondy night at the Alexandra Theate The play belongs to a ?? of the &maof *hich The Crimes of Par- h1 hitto era been the moa teal ezauiS; but in the painful vezitement of its realism this prodaction recedes dtogether behind ...