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Lancashire, England


Preston, Lancashire, England

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... Fort LirAnTSSEs-Possiblythe soap woristooti'cf bea gooo 1chtcO for the a-bluo-tiou of lineu durinu tceb-praoiieeO. Or-TlTj vocal fireworks of the opera bhores rc'ferred to in oritiohiau probeably moan the lehru ?? A, oli mild who hatod tlhe male sex most veno- niou'lS, cul a felltale aecquaintanoe who coougrata- hated let on thu bueoyaney of leer spirite M Ity is tho oyster tilo most ...


... PEGGING AWAY. memeiber the helateriltg faces, Oe. vwel! derml ernt p d tbrough toe shoeruaker's door. rL to of i whitleand tap of his hammer, Uo altofl 'Iwaith a nod tbat was kuowing, An att' ~ri° that was bright an the sweet summer day, tleu er what, Ilads thero nothing worthl hlaving, lint Whbit you mast got it by pegging away. t You 1iWiv run the awift tace, and be counted the victor, An ° ...


... | LITERARY SEUECTIONS. ISIpPTrN CwAnkaIa`1.-TO eshape 1he obaracter of a child aright is a task which perhaps ouly tltose who have been weooly disciplined in youth are thoroughly oounpetont to perform. Few know how to go about it; fewerstill po seea the requisite patienoe and equanimity to adhere ?? to the rules under which alone it cau be aocomn. pliehed. 'rho great difficulty is with those ...


... ' SWALLOWS. 13ro\C 11r0.e wallow, I wolconme 'thee backls Wit thy h white , nd collie, ciatch me? !lIght, W~'culil, 'J welconue to tboee All e.*iu,ter loug, tlhroiugh the darkneqs and cold, Where, tell ne. where thou bast been; jideter of ftie linds I alay never behold, ~l r o it j5i1j liast thou Been, Sit'cctiellIty wheln I found ye no more, heard no Found- flel, ig1ht and uorni ug between 1 ...


... sYI'1' ASD HUTMOUR. T'LIE womnn who maketh a good pudding in siletkuC is bettel than ?? who main-ith a tart reply. IV'IEto IL womanlII promenades Il0e streets I-ading it dog, it looks Bs il she couldn't geo anything else Oi a 8tring. I'u:0i1CTIn'M lodger: And is there fire in the rooi Laindlady: ' No; but there is a most beuaitiful picture of an Italian sunset you ever 50w. A CoI i.1 i'OND ...


... FASHIONABLE MtRRI&GE AT BRUUGEITON. irinz There needs little riflectinto on the part of anyone visit well informed, to coocludo that on Tuesday, the gsweet into, pastoral district of Broughton, with its ausient churilb t the and sacred remnnants of the past, was roused:tro a condition rthe of life an ovrain lcdsigthe last half century very has bean uneqnalled and unknown. Associated as on- ...


... AT tLLS AT~L.-AN EASTER VISIT. i (el. tile Mouitains for mnry a mile, h tial ,oey ittid wet-I MIas Wcullt and cold; I liongr it. i lit an exqurisite smile, SI, u'ld I oe ike V straty ItItb flmn the fold. lc, rite 1`ir1, antd cite drew iii tile Chaiir, Silte bleai I t(lie w-ct fowl, sad sihe broached the best bin, Sbe brt se if lie a it:(i o troubles or care, Sflat ate litaitcof Pratterdale ...


... ?? ?? ATLATIno Mocr;7LY.-The part of this magsrzne for I the current month is especially attractive. It includes sections of stories, sketches, literary criticisms, poetry, &a. Amongst the contributors are Wendell Holmes (of whom there in an excellent portrait), Whittier, M. 0. W. Oliphant, and T. B. Aldrich. ENOIISB ILLUSTRATED MAGnAzcNE.-Excellently, indeed, does this monthly sustain its ...


... - BREAKFAST table, father of family presiding: Il There is a cat in ManohsRtor that drinks beer.' I Daughter (fourteen) : Pa, she must be a 3lalteso cat! 4I BLISS ine, he said, looking at the clook, it's after oloven2 ! HoW time flies ! I bad no idea it was so late. it isbetter late than never, she said, hiding a yawn. 1VATC2H1U, Mother: lRosalind, you should not stay out inhlio old ...


... Tim(swveets of inatriwony doubtless consist of hrunevotl words for the first mnuth and of candid Jxpivtlhiona for the rest of life. ANITT is tho differenco betweon the first love and tbe last It is that one always lsialieves one's first love is thle last, and ono'sl last iH the first. 4'I)o you know whether the dootor went to Mrs. Crap's y3'esterday ?? I thinit so. At lenst there was ias ...


... - ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ - f TIHE PLOOUN blER. \1,- hili the ap jilg title D1o0n11 breis liDg, Ir, the dew Illts left tile grasm, Vi hen ?? vtoodland d bitis tue wakitig, TIt thi iield tile piougbers pas. t Ile silel'e? of tic titoritit Ielevi' I te ?? cleaves the co i'a ll. jl'inlltll 2'S RtV 1(lsd'lklils6, .sili I e ileal Cii tue goldea Si oil. ?? ~ yl 1s1zllj t thy (Iut); Sii. te fl tim CIsC i ?? ...


... =. p--Q E . POMT.Y. 1 LIFES SNMALI. ILLS. *. to . g huI urllrti ut solne steep highway *N.i ,,l *0 n ced owi, courag - (n our strength I .11 l ?? in the hy.way- we:. h' hl ;;I at, tbat wear us out it Icigtb. , saC, Sicl awful orrow, i f ?? righlly W1ls Idcd. or our trust; I 1tte ik thnt come to 'lay, to morrow, ?? 1l. nt trg lowv our salirits tot ho dust. e we so s vc forget them- .0t U ?? ¶i ...