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... M1ACHESTER ROYAL JUBILEE EXHIBITION. Soretlhin like order now comes after the chaost wh:ch prevailed 5 few days ago in connection with th~e treparat: uas for th~e opening of the Manchester 1:,;htrits n next, week. As already announced, t rae i'nce and Princess of Wa es will performn the narlnlra: ceremony on Tuesday, and the residents 3o ( ?? are vieing with each other in order AO give a ...


... Fort LirAnTSSEs-Possiblythe soap woristooti'cf bea gooo 1chtcO for the a-bluo-tiou of lineu durinu tceb-praoiieeO. Or-TlTj vocal fireworks of the opera bhores rc'ferred to in oritiohiau probeably moan the lehru ?? A, oli mild who hatod tlhe male sex most veno- niou'lS, cul a felltale aecquaintanoe who coougrata- hated let on thu bueoyaney of leer spirite M Ity is tho oyster tilo most ...


... MANCH.STER ROYAL JUBILEE: :EXHBJTON THE EXTERJ ORB . THRDTJGIGH THE EXHIBITION. OLD MANCHESTER AND SALFORD. The Royal Jubilee Exhibition at Old Trafford will be opened on Tuesday by the Prince of WVales. For weeks past 2,000 workers have been battling hard against time. The victory has been won, and the Exhibition is now, in most respects, cDmplOte. Some little detail work, it is true, has yet ...


... The date of opening the summer eitbi tion of the Royal Cas ubrian Acdey at Plus Mawr, Conway, will probably be June 1, after the close of the exhibition of the Quesn's album' snketchs, which are now being mounted in London, For the exhibition the Queen has promised to lend Sir F. Leighton's large picture of Cunabue, representing a processioan (con- sisting tof the picture of Cunabue, his ...


... GOSSIP WITH THE CHILDR|EN. BY UNCLE OLDMAN. What is a laughing jackass ? This question was put with startlinZ suddenness by my little nephew Tom, who, I am glad to say, is again paying me and Aunt Mery a visit. The child has a way of springing unexpected inquiries, which very often put one in a corner. On this particular occasion Aunt and Tom and I were sitting together atter tea. I was ...


... . NOT FOR JTOM - I No, Not for Joe; ab, dear-ne, He has sold ux to the foe. He has tawht us 3or he-cam All thing. be to every man. in his & _ Storot He ha1 searu'd ?? e the trub. He has cast his lot with those On the le who impose L tinh our leaders still mnt bs, Tm se el-nat suh #A he. and prid, ?? Who'd base thogt li--v't 'Iss; Who'd bare tholght it once Of Joe I it to tum d Gay- we lookad ...


... I ROYAL JUBIEE, EXHIBITION, TANCHESTER I ARRANGTEMENTS FOP. THE OPENING CEREMONY. At the meeting of the Er ecutive Committee held on Wednesday afternoon, the Receptions Committee sub- mitted a draft of the arrangements for ?? opening ceremony. As already announced, the Royal party i will arrive at the E xhibition from Manchester at two o'clock. Luncheon W immediately be served in the i palm ...


... I I I -- ALEXANDRA THEATRER ln h15 delightful epilogue to Alice in Wonder- land, Lewis Carroll draws a picture of the future of the little heroine, premising how she would keeD through Al her riper years the simple and loving heart of her childhood. How she would gathersbout her other little children, and make their eyes bright and esger with many a strange tale; perhaps even with the ...


... I _WALKER ART GALLERY. e EXHIBITION OF THI LIVER SOCILTY OF ARTISTS. The first spriug exhibition of this society, hitherto better known as the Liver Sketching i oClub, opens to-day in the first or Fountain Room of the Walker Art Gallery, and com- i Dprises 284 frames in oils and water colours. i a This society has hitherto recruited its merobers i t from the younger disciples of art; and ...


... At the Walker Art Gallery, on Saturday next, there will be exhibited a collection of 400 antotypea and other reproductions, illustrating the llfe work, of Rqffielle Sanzio de Urbino (14831520). These have beeA chronolog1cally arranged I Professor Conway, of University College, and include some of the great palnters earliest studies; the famous cartoons, the originalsof which are now at South ...


... IREARTU AND HomE.1 BY A LADY CONTRIBUTOR, a t It is cleasant to chronicle the successes of women c in branches of art which have hitherto lain ont. - side their limited sphere. The last number of the Musical World contains no less than three notices t of remarkable performances by women: A novelty unique of its kind in London, and pro- bably elsewhere, has added a new phase to our musical ...


... ! LITEUARY NOTICES. I Yietri By Henry W. Clarke. LndonD: Oeiorge Redway. At a time whenj in Scotlaid and Wales eRpcilIy, dissutahlisiinot in crtainly in the air, ?? in Eng d the matterings of the coming storm are being heard, this is a dieaen- able, a to l the friends of religious equality it will prore a very welcome, volume. The auhor eontes that tithes had their origin in ing this, the ...