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... , I Those whose avocations are counecte with the Fine Arts will welcome Part VI.L uf the new edition of Bryau'e Dictionary of Painters and Engravers, whieh has reoently been pub- lished by Messrs. Bell ad Sons. An important work of this nature cannot be hurried tirough the press; Irtill it ie proeckngf to habve to wait soilng for the lae of the dzfferent parts. Tbe newv number cninenes with ...


... IOMs OF tip WltE& SfRf. LEWIS MORtI' 1tX 3lG | Ir Mr. Lcwns dlor-is's ne~w book std'kes'neas Iesn by much the niot Popur thaM he has! *T, pat fortb, ad its twot. ?? a the porte founded on old weish pueont' tradition. Tire oral lter e ofjh peastaty er a curious ?? c throughout the bezoas of the word, thoughb it sems likely1 that there are great family grooa thati an ire dvided and ?? 1x I the ...


... PEGGING AWAY. memeiber the helateriltg faces, Oe. vwel! derml ernt p d tbrough toe shoeruaker's door. rL to of i whitleand tap of his hammer, Uo altofl 'Iwaith a nod tbat was kuowing, An att' ~ri° that was bright an the sweet summer day, tleu er what, Ilads thero nothing worthl hlaving, lint Whbit you mast got it by pegging away. t You 1iWiv run the awift tace, and be counted the victor, An ° ...


... Mr. I. Savile Clarke has, in conjunction with Mr. Walter Slaughter, devised a musical play for children, Called Alice in Wonderland, which is founded upon the story of that name by Mr. Lewis Carroll, and uponl the equally well-known atory by the same author, Through the Looking (Glans.> Tbe piece, which is in two aclts is to be given at the Aloxandra Ttheatre this (Monday) evenin, for the ...


... EDITED BY A BARRISTER AT LAW, be L~X X. ANSWERS TO CoRRESPONDENTS. it WILLS. HIUSBAND.-If the two trustees cannot agree as to a: the amount of the allowance for the children's main- h tenance, there is nothing to do but to go into court V about it. Don't do that if you `an help it. The w sister may apply all the income of the share of the P two children in the mother's separate estate, but not ...


... I CRAM, CRAM e TO TFM noRrO0 TH LIV'RPOOL MM1EY. To Gentlemen,-In any system of education the I results may be conreniently arranged under two ko heads, firstly, present apparent results, secondly, results upon the intelligence and moral eharacter in days succeeding those of school life. The Sa former results are officially- tested; the latterare not. This is the greatest evil of the ...


... Sir David Radcliffe, chairman of the Executive Council of the Liverpool Royal Jubilee Exhibition, which is to be opened on Monday, Mag 16, has received a communication fromrthe Lord Chamber. t lain (tbe Earl of Lathorm, ?? ?? has grciously consented to lend, from tbe Windsor Castle collection, a number of trophies relics, and other objeotsof interestconaected with various eamn- paigna during ...


... UEARTH AND HOME, BY A LADY CONTRIBUTOR, In spite of east winds primroses are beginning to bloom, and the primrose sellers are appearing with baskets of tempting roots on their heads. A corre. spondent writes to complain of what I fear is a growing evil in conneotion with the apparently inno. cent traffic in spring flowers. He draws attention to the depredations committed by men and boys ...


... THE LAWYER EDITED BY A BARRISTER AT LAW. LXIX. THE CUSTODY AND GUARDIANSHIP OF INFANTS. We pointed out last week in what way a mother can Interfere to protect her children during the joint lives of her and her husband. Shehaspowerto appoint by deed or will any person or persons to be the guardian or guardians of her infant children after the death of herself and her husband, and if her husband ...


... I T.he Life of Charles Reade, which has {ust been published by the novelist's son and b Mr ompton Reade is an entertaining if Scarcely a valuable biography, That It should be mare interesting front its reminiscences of theatrical celebrities than from its reminiscnces ef eminent literary people was a thing to be ex- rected. We have peeps into the private lives bf nearly all the actors and ...


... I IITERARY XYT1OES. I IBeached at LaaL By RL . utter. London Grifit Earn Okedn, and Welah. This lo another of br Cutter' PPular sleoeutifi romances. in many portions it reminds us of MI. Jules Verne, but it contain -a large Amount-of -original description of nine- teenth ?? enduranos and ~esesrn to makl.e i ndonjawjet 4. acco!ut of. .B J ney to the North Pole about-he year f ,.the means ?? for ...


... I LIEPOOL JILEE, EXIM ON. There is no ceaation of the ?? whicb at th6- oxtset characterised the work of prepar&ion at tbi Exhibtion, and each sooessive day bring. 'ithi! some new and surprising development. Tbe fin watber with which Iw have been favoured dazzag the Past few day. baa helped to gretly ?? importent outdoor operations, such as the widen. ing of the promesedes, the excaations for ...