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... what was left could barely be seen with a microscope. Conceit is so shallow, and withal so unbecoming to mortal man — 'tis no adornment to mortal women. A beggar proud of his rags, a leper of his scales, or a donkey of his bray, is as consistent as the ...

THE WANTED COLUMN. -A-TD^r__Sß,_: , XS_s! I Prercua«e of any description to let. Any/ thing yon have for Sale. For

... Abbeygate-street, have just received a Large and varied Stock of SPRING GOODS for Children. Robes, Cloaks, Hoods, ftc- for Infants. Special makes in Corsets and Underclothing. r5650 TRADESMEN'S and others' Rooks posted up and periodically checked. Accounts ...

THK WANTED COLUMN. _A_lDV'll]_^ , Jl , ?? I j Pre ?? of p.ny description to let. AT.yrV-ir.e you ha-e

... Patterns in Ladies' and Children's Underclothing and Corsets. They have still left a few Winter Go__ at greatly reduced prices Infants' Cloaks, Robes, Hat*, __c. [7246 Agents for Steveuson Bros., the Dundee Dye Works. COPPERS. — Copper in large or small Sums ...

SITUATIONS VACANT. \7OUNG LADIES who want to bo independent and JL make their way in the world nhould write for

... year has been made. For this valuation the same mortality tables and rate of interest have been used as m previous years — namely in the Ordinary Branch, the Institute of Actuaries (Hm. ) Table of Mortality for the life risks, and Mr. Finlaison's Government ...

THE WANTED COLUMN. -^ZD^ZET^X'ISIE I Premises of anydescription to let. Anything you have for Sale. For ..

... Abbeygate-street, have just received a Large and varied Stock of SPRING GOODS for Children. Robes, Cloaks, Hoods, &c, for Infants. Special makes in Corsets and Underclothing. [5650 THE EVENING FRENCH CLASS, conducted by the Head Master, J. R TIMSON (Roy ...

THE WANTED COLUMN. ADVEBTISE I Preinisee of any description to let. Any thiner yon have for Sale. For servants of

... and iram g Bichmond, Virginia. U.S.A- - — - M^FTli^D^^Sf ScTof IVI ?? and clo&k SPRING GOODS for Children. , Hoods, &c, for Infants. Special maices -^q *Mll|.T| |^SOCIETATt:S[jUTIORES>-_^ ALLIANCE ASSURANCE COMPANY HEAD OFFICE-BARTHOLOMEW LANE, LONDON, EX ...

THE WANTED COLUMN. I Premises of any description to let. Anything you have for Sale. For servants of all classes

... D CARRIAGE MANUFACTORY, CROWN STREET, BURY ST. EDMUND'S (NEAR ST. MARY'S CHURCH). [5631 ?? ?? SIDASO-T. The low rate of mortality amongst Flocks where THTT;RSTOI\rS Approved Remedy for Sheep after Lambing (Price ls. Bd. per Bottle) AND ARNICATED ANTISEPTIC ...

THE WANTED COLUMN. AD^EEIISE I Premises of anydescription to let. I Any thing you have for Sale, For servants of

... Period. Old Carriages Bought, or taken in Exchange. [5572 I eaa ?? - ■ .■ TZHIIEI liAMBUnTG- SZELA^SOICT. The low rate of mortality amongst Flocks where THURSTON'S Approved Remedy for Sheep after Lambing (Price ls. Bd. per Bottle) AND ARNICATED ANTISEPTIC ...

THE WANTED COLUMN. ADVERTISE I Premises of any description to let. i Anything you have for Sale. For servants of

... Let on Hire for any Period. Old Carriages Bought, or taken in [5572 THBI-E L^A.2sd:DBIISrG- SZELA-SOHSr. The low rate of mortality amongst Flocks where T _EI T_J Jrt QT O !N* ' S Approved Remedy for Sheep after Lambing (Price ls. Bd. per Bottle) AND ABDICATED ...