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... THIE COMPTON COMPANY AT THE T[II EAT R e' Mr Compton's Conmedy Company concluded a mr xst - miicceerful engagemntit at the Theatre on Saturday o eveinrig, when they appeared in * Daivy (larrick. -'rho limmie wag literally pecked. At the closc of the R iidCCillii aco, irlr Comciptin, who way tcalled to the frout, v uiad, the follojwing tpl.ech :-Lardieo and gentlemnen k -I (ii, nut think I ...


... -I EI - - - L.ITERA'ruRE. TuE POETS A.ND Pgo-'1.5:. Ou FOntzicN LANDS. By.l. W. Ojrombio. London: ElliotStock, 62 Paternoster Row, Perhaps the least felicitous featuro of Mr . Oronbie's pleasant volume of essays is the somewhat ambitious title he has chosenl for it, and which suggests a work of oncyclopiediu dimensions rather than the modest book befiyro Us. This said, however, almost the only ...


... MIAJES'IT'S THEATRE. The wihole~ornme toi,' ,i a Irea t, la iogh will be en joye to pnrfecti'll b;L iLl wI 111 I III(j thiici r way to Her :Nla jestv t'iis wri 1.. i'hw pvoirrarerne is aJ 1tirast lirti lwovo!.iLt i ,:ie, arif .il t ILhortLe itias stirrotiundleill(osr;f With a 1LiL1llber ofr CI p eo' peleI whti ('.o eveC Y jllst:c:e to, its ftlielit pOilltS. 1 Is haidln i:ez t c' y .4. i thi ...


... The secoud annual snow of the Bauohory Casnine Society was held in the Town Hall yesterday. The entries numbered 119; but although slightly reduced from last year the showr in point or merit excelled that of its predecessor. Amsisig the competitors wore such well-known breeders as Mesers B. 0. F. Thomson, Inverness; John Gil zean, Edinburgh: George Stephen, cuparstone House, Aberdeen; John ...


... A CELEBRATED ABERDEEN I. 1 FAMILY OF ARTISTS. THE BROTHERS ROBERTSON, MINIATURE PAINTERS. ANDREW ROBERTSON'S WORK IN ABERDEEN. 427 MINIATURES IN EIGHT YEARS. ?? In the previous article we brought the e history of the Robertson family down to the end of last century, at which period Andrew r Robertson, the youngest, but ultimately the r most distinguished of the three brothers, . was preparing ...


... CHRISTMAS SHOWS OF FAT STOCK I AT FORFAR. Yesterday the Strathmore Auction CompDuy and Scott & Graham held their annual Christ- mas shows of fstatclk at Forfar. At Scett & Graham's maart, the stock ferward were a capital show, although there was a conupicueus aleenao of the highly-fisished cattle shown a few years ago. At the salo which followed a brisk trads was experienced. most of the prize ...


... PERILOUS POSITION OF A NEW&IACHAR CONTRACTO'tR. IWEA1RLY SURIED ALIVE. A n aceident which very nearly had serious resulti occurred at Dyoe lust Tuesday afternoon. Some time ago, it may be rememn- bered, the heriters of .hat village resolved to experiment with a sprhin in the itietrict, andi a Well iortY feet deep, lined vwith brick 25 feet downwards freim the surfacr, was dug. The veibLire ...


... NhI->XIS A. ALK1.JR i Cs CINE- J ~lt A;RAPH IENTEETA1NAIENT. Mis:s V\.;k -r a (JC. ,ar; to bts congratultsd m. p: icong on >Aturday evening oan of tre Iint tA t: rcot e7er Z.Veu in Aberdeen to Gig e'f L : ;Argz:t and riat, ersthusiasuic snd3erocee tosS ever 3ozcmb~ed in tie Music Hal: I wvza sn endid sucvo(;3f, and fro1 'he CisL:tg orwao reIterl by Mr J;1>irWood Nicholls LD it., c~te, inte-eit ...

Advertisements & Notices

... - BE O R M N Y LS S T A L ROADSTEER Rs ear a 12 Months' Guarantee, which stipnlat~e that during that period we will- at EE OF? CHARGE-repair tyres which fail by reacton of fair wear and tear, indifferent nlpaerial, or bad wrorkmnanship. We have but to call attention to our enormous output to lnpaei what this guarantele neana. itIt means that every tyre we make must be of the 1,ert. But, to ...

Advertisements & Notices

... P.EO1STERIEOD RAIDI MARY., fltLtOAVH TIHnon QCAWrAII e:3n3lsr~ WALKER'S UNRIVALLED YTvEAS The lessenpd daty mud tnre corit-Auel enormous importation enablo3 it to o(or for Cash our Unrivalled Teas at the following price: per lb., weighed without paper These Tea3 are the ricb ancId varied produvi. or tilhe arilens of i'.i 'NDIA CH{INA, & CEYLON. .all are sold as thie' arrive ill all their ...


... MAGAZINES, (FIRST Norier.) F IESSRS CASSELL & COMPANY'S PUBLICATIONS. (London.) -The Quiver is a tasteful magazine, both externally and internally, with numerous aind exzcellent illustrations, arid vith choice Sunday and general reading. In the more religious department Professor Ruberts, of St Andrews, discourses on TThe City of God, Prebendary Culthorpe on The Manifestation of Christ to ...


... L LITERATURE, ASmnmmOGRAPnY OF A PEISIYA DulSF, By William Boyd. Reprinted from the Ceylon Literary Register. (Colombo: A. 1). &. J. Ferguson.) It is not often that a work from a printing press in Ceylon finds its way to an Aberdeen- shire paper for review, but there are many reasons why the book before us should be widely known ill our country. The writer is evidently an Aherdeeushiiro man, ...