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... Patrick hung high in his Ctathdral in our own old city. The so- 5called National co'our, green, dates absolutely Afrom the United Irishmen, and no further back. 't Patrick's flower is not the shamrock which he used to explain to the ignorant Irish - iraids ...


... these seizures has passed unnoticed by the Irish Nationalist Press. Irishmen of the Democratic school of opinion should answer these tawdry tadtics'by transferring their support to the United Irishman, an exceedingly ably-written paper. They ?? practised ...


... to day; the charge-sheet has been dwindling down, and on Thnrsday'it bore brat two cases. :The defen- clsnts wvere twco Irishmen. who had been seeing;: friends dif on Wednesday, and both were dis- missed ofl promising to put 2&. Ed. in the po~or: box ...


... brotherly love. The discussion -wilt be. continued to-day. BRITISH UNITED oDr)FELLOWS. DEBATE ON TBdS CONTINGxENT F1UND. The mnembers of the Legislative Council of the Bri-tish United Order of Oddfellows, whose thirty-fourth annual conference wass opened ...


... the let-ter asking 1r Balfour to reconsider the original memorial to the Treasury. Mhe fact, writes a correspondnt, that Irishmen hav6' ?? much for Liberalism an; the past should be remembered in .view of the misinforured criticism of the present at- ...

The Top of the Morning

... SWEEPING BRUSH POLICY. Speaking at. Dublin last night, Mr. Timothy Harrington,.M.P., said he wa in favour of unity among Irishmen, and not coercion, whether by Dtublin Castle or Westminster. He could see no justification for the proposition that any member ...


... The United Irish League has written to Prasiddut NT.Minley calling attenuine to what is' described As a grave violation of international law by the British Govern 1rnent in ?? prisoners. psitOO larly ?? to Ceylon Th. League 'requests the United Stst4 ...