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Salad Suggestions

... Salad Suggestions There's nothing so delicious as a salad for high tea and nothing so good fir you! Here are some brand-new recipes for substantial salads which are a weal in themselves. Besides being so tasty, these salads give you plenty of Vitamin ...

Salads Are Inviting

... Salads Are Inviting When the weather is warmer salads are welcome. Below are some refreshing varieties thi.A can either accompany other foods or can siand in their own right as a main dish. ONION AND CUCUMBER SALAD. Üb. Spanish or other mild onions, half ...

grapefruit Salad

... grapefruit Salad I must certainly tell you how to make a fruit salad using that nox so popular fruit—grapefruit. Allow half a grapefruit to each person and serve in grapefruit glasses. Halv, the grapefruit and scoop out all 'pulp and juice. Remove the ...

Winter Salad

... Winter Salad Ingredients: 3 well-scrubbed carrots, t stater raw beetroot, a cabbage heart, • of swede-turnip. Grated cheese. MetYll Pile the grated cheese in the centre of the dish, grate the vegetables and arrangE in individual piles round.the cheese ...

Sausage Salad

... Sausage Salad 0 sausages; 4 large cold boiled potatoes, sliced: I •mall onion or leek, chopped; mixed pickle, chopped; 4 breaklastrups shredded cabbage heart; salad dressing. Tomatoes or radichrs if available. Boil the sausages for IS minutes and allow ...


... ORANGE SALAD CZ elicious Ovaltine e Worlolk . Beat Alight-cep 2 oranges quarter lb. chicory dates 2 tablesp. mayonnaise a little finely shredded cabbage 1 oz. cheese (o-rated) Peel and cut one of the oranges into small pieces. Cut the chicory into quarter ...


... SIACEDOINE SALAD. separately bung carrots and turnips awl French beans, the latter broken in half. Cat the other vegetables in dice and chop a iresh spring onion and mix with them. Dress with salad cream and pile lightly in centre .f a dish making a ring ...

Salads and Stovias

... Salads and Stovias. This week's recipes contain a mixture of the old and the new. rrowdie and Pineapple Salad (4 portions)-4 rings pineapple, 4 tablespoonfuls crowdie, 1 lettuce, a few chopped nuts. Arrange lettuce leaves on plates. Place ring of pineapple ...


... SALAD JELLIES. Jelly is one of the most popukir of summer But if you have always thought of as a sweet, you may Like the ohs of springing it surprise on the family by ing jelly u entioing salad form. A Canadian woman was wiling me recently that salad ...

Supper Salad

... Supper Salad. Ingredients : lettuce or 'wart of cabbage. fine cress or watercress, 1 medium-sized raw carrot. 2-3 large cooked potatoes. sardines or cooked herring. or kipper or any cooked white fish or left- ...


... SUMMER SALADS. During the hot summer weather there is a great demand for such salads as lettuce and radish. Now is the time to make a small sowing of both these vegetables. It is a mistake to sow a lot of seed at once; small and frequent sowings are to ...


... CRISPER SALADS in merse your - salad ingredients in cold w;tter quite hours before they are wanted. When washed put, your lettuce into a howl of cold water in which the juice of half a lemon has been squeezed. It will add to the flavour as well as Ittiffen ...