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Making A Meal Of It

... rolls for the not-so-hungry. Pack any of these snacks with celery, .watercreSs or any other salad. use the mixture as a sandwich si)read, with beetroot or salad. Most people bud hors d'oeuvre sandwiches appetising and satisfying. To make them, lightly ...

V. 31 I bin Vail I lowwl of t:t Mai IVost St I Oil spring rvine liinl'L Irvine irvar Brunsi

... cold with salad served separately. • Put fish fillets in a basin with a little salt, and lemon juieo if possible ; cover with a lid or plate mid stand the basin in a saucepan of boiling water. Coek for about hour, cool, and serve with salad. • Haddock ...

Short-Souse of Herring

... butter, using a small loaf to get compact slices. Have ready crisp lettuce leaves, tomatoes, cress, or any salad you wish —including potato salad. ...


... with many foods is most fattening! 3on't fowl Salads When winter comes, you will of course need more hot dishes than you have taken during summer, but, at the same time, do not forget to continue with salads. These satisfy your hunger without adding to ...


... Endive. Those who appreciate variety in their salads should grow endive. It is ostensibly an autumn and winter salad. Sow the seed thinly in deep, well manured soil and thin out the seedlings to 9 inches apart. Green Curled Batavian is a useful variety ...

TALKING OF Barracouta is iu the news because this Australian canned fish has been taken off the points he half

... give interest to its rather neutral flavour. It is excellent with a cucumber salad with a good dash of vinegar, or with mayon.naisi or similar thick dressing and a fresh salad. Here, however, are three hot dishes that can 1w made with it. ...

FRIDAY, JULY 16, 1948. FOOD FACTS NEEDED VON SALVAGE. Please put all yotr empty can I hoard containers out for

... in summer-time for tea or supper is a centre and coat with a thick fish salad. Any white fish is delicious, cooked dressing. Try the recipe and served cold in a fresh green salad with a below. good home-made dressing. Cook the fish when SALADAISE you ...

GAZETTE FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 11, 1944. (Registered as a Newspaper).. _

... be cooked A Salad a Day The wise housewife knows that a salad a day, in winter as well as in summer, is necessary to replace the protective qualities of• fruit, and build up resistance to infection and fatigue. Delicious and healthful salads can be made ...


... have arranged in a glassdish. I think it is the world's most perfect salad. But unless you have the taste of a want a spot of sophistication with your lettuce leaf. Why net a nice salad cream of the silky sort that just with a turn of the wrist, and pours ...


... Vegetables are somewhat scarce now. Here are two novelty ideas that may help to tido you over the season. Sliredded green Salad Scrape some carrots, cut into dice, and simmer in water to cover till they aro tender but not pulpy. Drain the carrots, and ...


... the sharpness of the fruit and adds real nutriment in the most digestible form. Here is a recipe for Fruit Salad which everybody enjoys:— FRUIT SALAD. Whisk Bird's Custard ammo Ye tam As a delightful change, vigor- of whisk Bird's Custard t o n o us. cream ...

BOOKS AND LEAFLETS. Ministry of Food leaflets, including How to Feed Young Children can be obtained free at the ..

... gaily covered and useful book on cookery technique is sold at a shilling. Two booklets Fish Ccokery and Vegetables and Salads contain detailed information on preparation and cooking and are priced at 6d each. There wilk shortly be a third book on ...