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... WHERE THE AUSTRO-GERMAN INVASION OF SERBIA IS TAKING PLACE : SERBIAN HILLS SEEN ACROSS THE DANUBE, FROM ORSOVA. The above photograph illustrates that part of Mr. Darn ton-F raser 's article, on the opposite and following pages, where he writes : To ...


... ENTRENCHED OUTPOST IN THE DESERT. FORMIDABLE OBSTACLES TURKISH INVASION —[Photo, by Universal.] Many Indian troops are taking part in the defence of the Suez Canal against the threatened Turkish invasion. Mr. W. T. Massey, writing recently in the Telegraph, ...


... WHERE THE THREATENED NEW INVASION OF SERBIA IS AWAITED WITH CONFIDENCE : A CAMP OF KING PETER'S GALLANT SOLDIERY. —[Pholo. by C.N.] If, as has been threatened, yet another invasion of Serbia by Austria-Hungary (assisted by two German army corps) takes ...


... ZEPPELIN-SISTER OF THE AIR-CRAFT WHICH DROPPED BOMBS HARMLESSLY ON TYNESIDE TOWNS Ail d f th fent to be of any danger from the invasion point of view it exposes a dangerously large surface to a repelling PE , V , -, -, T „„a, towns carried out by a Zeppelin ...


... p™ton —~ * :z Clerkenwell Volunteers (39th Middled) Tit* °nglnal ,V°limteer b*alions was raised as The of the Napoleonic invasion period. The' title FinA^Trefl«' C1kenWe11 Voluntws inue rmsDury Rifles was adopted in 1862.—[Photo. ...


... AND SCULPTURE : A FIGURE OF CHRIST BROKEN BY GERMAN SHELLS, AT RHEIMS. Next to the human suffering caused by the German invasion of France and Belgium, nothing has been more deplorable than the enormous amount of destruction inflicted on the monuments ...


... of women engaged in similar work are able ! to carry it out in pleasant rooms, not invested with gloom by fear of ruthless invasion. But the knitters of Rheims have this in common with more fortunate workers—sympathy with those who have fought and suffered ...


... GERMANY MADE REALISE THE MEANING INVASION : STREET The Germans i Et Piii ihi AN EAST PRUSSIAN TOWN AFT'ER A RUSSIAN BOMBARDMENT. [Photo, by Pholoprcss.] in Prussia are experiencing in their towns and villages the devastations of war, suffering the hardships ...


... side of the Bulgarian frontier. We get here a glimpse of how, in addition to utilising the nine months since the Austrian invasion of last December for Army reorganisation, the Serbians have turned the breathing space to valuable account.—[Photo, ...


... RE-ENACTED IN SERBIA : DISPATRIATED The plight of Serbia is, if possible, worse than that of Belgium, for to the horrors of invasion have SERBIAN REFUGEES IN FLIGHT WITH THEIR FLOCKS AND HERDS. Kossovo on their way to Albid Mt Abi ISPATRIATED been added ...


... the river. During the autumn of 1914, while the Austrian troops were massing on the north bank of the Danube for the first invasion, which ended disastrously for Austria, the Serbian Danube flotilla was added to and organised. made hold the river in October ...


... crossed the frontier in motor-cars, followed by large bodies of cavalry. The Belgian military authorities, foreseeing the invasion, had blown up the bridges over the Meuse outside the town, and also the railway tunnels. The Germans suffered heavily irom ...