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... steps restrain, Together they explored the page Of glosing bard or gifted sage, Oft, placed the evening'fire beside, The minstrel art altercate tried, While gladsome harp and lively lay Bide winter-night flit 'fast away: 'T'hus from their childhood blending ...


... vourable view of the talents and acquirements of the Prince, and leads to the folnd anticipation that the fame of our royal minstrels, Alfred the Great and Richard Cceur de Lion, will soon be far ex- ceeded by the youthful and accomplished husband of our ...


... conclulies with a correct and well executed represen- 0 tation of ?? monument sbout to be erected in me- T e mory of Scolia's Minstrel. The whole was rap- turously applauded, andI on its termination the cheering of'a crowded and fashionable audience did 1 ...


... change the theme, to change the plraseoloi'- of these autumnal notes by extracting a few lines from thue sermons of the quaint American, who styles himself Dow, jtil. At lage 195 of his second volume, he has a short sermon entitle l Autumnal Reflections, ...


... AMERICAN FESTIVITIES. EITHnR wo in this old world are falling behind our age, or our transatlantic cousins are shooting a-head into the middle of the next century. ' Go-a-head' is the na- tional motto, .,and it is acted upon to the fullest extent, both ...


... efliceutaly fencling them 5 selves by their perejudiees,custonis, Loses, aidi languiege, from the in- 1 htlsonce. ofrEngli-lior American piegrean nurrousiding them, they liavs I grown upe, the great neass of them, at stationan- aind beolated people, possessing ...


... 5 very readable paper on trout, sea-birds, and north- t it country natives; An Overland Mail Adventure, a d and ?? The American Questions. a b TAIT. Edinburgh: Sutherland & Knox. July 1856. il _IT'IE current number of Tait, if not so distinguished ...


... aborigines of Australia; succeeded by notices, under the quaint title of Our Car- pet Bag, of Dr Rogers's Modern Scottish Minstrel, the Pleasures of Roule, by Rev. J. Anderson, Kinnouli, and Dr Edershoim's History of the Jewish Nation. The Schoolmaster ...


... sugar, toast, and erab apilples';-e~ven -the-fr~uit trees and cattle- -ti were wassailed'* then there were Christmas minstrels and- ci 'fti-e ies 0' CIof Whiich!-haypassed away, leaving but ai el faint shadow., behind. The gatheringohll for the leor ...


... the Poets, -which we have leg; noticed pretty frequently iii comurendatory terms. It con- Soc talns tire Lay of tire Lost Minstrel, and tire Lady of me tire Lake, with tire original notes of thle author unabridged. So The uinronir of Mr Gil.'illani ...


... with the American expedition to Japan an amusing inci- dent is related, proving that 'however sharp .our Yan- kee cousins may be in' mon'ey' matters, they found much more than their 'match in the Japanese. It' seems that in China the American dollar 'isworth ...


... bi]-I'5, hiowevor, ea'iabie oh grcat imlrovll'is'tt L' il Rogers, of Stirling, apropos to his edition of the Modern Scottish Minstrel, is the principal subject of the first paper-done in the mode popularly known as slashing. The article evinces very ...