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Daily News (London)


... historical work- .ligneons atmosphere and wooden heads. Mr. W. Egley is Ialso historical in 1Katharine of Ayragon and Anne Boleyn. The success in such a picture would be condi- tional on the portraits-that is on tue expressions indicat- ing the familiar ...


... flintotones in collision. ' In the meantime circumstances which would take too long in the telling, draw Henry VII. and Anne a Boleyn into the circle in which Roodspere, the e Cardinal, and Sancgraal are acting. The scenes in t which they appear are described ...


... basest and most contemptible people of whom we have any record. t Who now questions, to mention an extreme case, that Anne Boleyn's death was the result of the licen-1 tious caprice otHenry? And yet her own father (the Earl of Wiltsbire), her uncle (the ...


... was fittingly reservsd the beau- tiful character of Queen Katharine; while Miss Heath did full justice to the coquettish Anne Boleyn. Mr. Ryder, as Duke of Buckingham, and Mr. Graham, as Cranmer, sustained their respective parts with good effect. In the ...


... balance advantages. His duty is 'With t facts. e The two voltimes already printed bring the history t r up to the death of Anne Boleyn. The historical stu- D dent who differr, even the most widely, from Mr. t Froude's exposition of various questions, will ...


... vicious: He had six wives, two of whom were beheaded. The account v of Anne Boleyne is a morceau of such pathos and A neatness of style that we must transcribe it in fall :- Anne Boleyne, dressed in the magnifi- cent costume of the period, with splendid ...


... fine S'a cocics in buiel, and an especially interesting relic, the eels-d be brated Strawberry-hill clock, presented to Anne Boleyn by he le Some remrarkable fine pieces of tapestry will enable the lxt- ehibition to be meat perfectly arranged in the d ...


... the great incentive n of opposition. She might have taken precedence of t Anne Boleyn as Queen of England; for at the time of Cardinal Wolsey's mission to the court of France c Anne had not been decisively elected to supersede Catherine of Arragon, and it ...


... first prytion ; and when such MSS. as those of Cardinal Beaufort, Richard IlI., HeouryViII., the two Charles, James I., with Ann Boleyn, Queen Elizabeth, and those of most of the eminent personages who have appeared since the middle of ties fifteenth century ...


... possibly be discerned. This gentleman inif was of a noteworthy Suff'olk family-the same from olij which the unfortunate Anne Boleyn had sprang. str In the reigns of Edward VI., Mary, and Elizabeth, Pei no physician ranked higher than 'William Bulleyn. ...


... can the liberty: Mr. Dendy has taken with history, as intheaffair of Bogworth-field and the courtshp of Henry VIIL with Anne Boleyn. To treit history in this way is to make a greasy hash of a. good Joint, depriving it of both its proper flavour and nutriment ...


... Bluff King Hal; tr Charle3 V. in his youth, Perkin Warbeck, Capu- el cius, the subtle nuncio and imperial ambassador; ce Anne Boleyn, Sir Thomas More, Wolsey, Cran- as iner, with all that rich stream of lords, ladies a] soldiers, statesmen, and priests ...