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... upon Atkinfon for the remain. der, he received a bill from a It. Tobias (Atkinfon's agent) payable in Londqn. Tobias became bankrupt betne- the bill wasi due; and Fletcher now had recourfe capon his principal. Mr. Atkinfon denied that he was liable as the ...

From the LONDON GAZETTE, March 17, 1801

... D~na ]igJar.-Joknn Meredith Mollyn, of -Scgroit, cfq. itt thc ruoemof Eiward Lloyd Lioyd,*of }enyian,) 'fq. ?? .Il _lr BANKRUPTS, Graveley William- Seaborre, of Narrow-ftrect, Lirnehou'rz, malitmaker, to furrender Mirch n, raS, April Z8, at twelve, at ...


... PARTSINCI; AND VL.1Y- FAIR. The three Defendants were the pioprittors bf the Security Banl, in the city -of London, which became bankrupt about-iwo years after its elfablifhmient. The prefentacion'w brought upon one of'their'ipomiflory niotes for lool. Playfair ...


... Thonins Gills. The affidavit onn which the rl'e Was founded flated, that Gills had been coummit- tedby the Con-mifionors of Bankrupt for the follow- tlreafun The account of his affairs being confufed, et CoMrmiffoners alked him if lhe would give a more (Olrer ...


... charged them with one of the bolde c Confpiracics that ever was entered into. It was fworn that thefe men, of whom one is a bankrupt cheefermonger, another a man who called Hkt Pcafe, all Hot, through the Itrcets of Deptford, and a third an attorney who ...


... THE ELDER, V. GEORGE BLAKEY, THE YOUNGER. This was trover for a thip, ftated in the declaration to be the-property of the Bankrupt, and to have bcen fraudulently alfligned to the D)efendant, his foil Tlbr leading Counfel for the Plaintilfsi bferved, that ...


... and bad placed him in a ftuation which, if he did not receive a fatisfadon' for at the hands 'of a Jury, Would leave him .a bankrupt in fortane, in Yamne, and' inr.hope. ' WVilh' refpe~t to his courtfhip of Mifs Paulain, which had beer' fo muci relied on ...


... I-le never would confent to putting ?? manacles upon ?? nonfuitcd. The reff of the day was confnimed with thie trial of a bankrupt caufe, interefing& only to the parties. SITTINGS appointed in Middlefete ?? beforc the Right Hon. Edward Lord Ellenborough ...


... Galabin, 1368 ; Mr. Marriott, 876; Mr. Yeoward, 826. Mr. Marriott being only fifty a head. In-confequence of a Commiflion of Bankrupt having J been iffued againft R. W. Felton Lathropp,*otherwife e- Sir Robert Murray Brown Clarke, late of Portland- I place ...


... he Was as innocent as any of their Lordflips. At the thnfe the hook was bouight, he was lying in prifon, hav- Ing become bankrupt, and his (hop was under the ttnanageriaent of his ?? neeg. No part of the price had qvcrcotne to him ' r his fauily, and ...


... inflantly exclaimed in a Io.d voice, my Lady, None but the brave, none but the brave, Nonc but the brave, deftrve the fair. ' - BANKRUPTS. Williamn Bithop, of Yealanl Conyers, tanctafrdire, irthant. July 27, at five,28, Aug. a8, at ten, at th'c Wkhte Hart, Lanca3 ...


... together with the itfertion of the trdvertifernent in I. the Gazette. Blake's examination befurelhe Cormnmir- e fioners of- Bankrupt was ;ikewife read. lie ?? not h been alloweidthe benefit of Counfel, but it tallied eat- Lt aelly with tlhe -vidence of the ...