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... Aflizes.-A few d ys finice i child of four years old, fon cf a pzrfon of Heanor, Ino Derbythire, of the name of Allen, was unfartunatcly burnit to death. The mother having occalion to go to a neighbouir on the 04th ul.. Ieft this child, and another of ?? years ...


... viz. Cbarlrs Ri~sur, t'or ftealin~g a calf; J. Saedferd, charged with the murder of Ifaac Mannin--, and ?? Esitren, with killing Jofeph Belton, were acquitted. ' One or. two~t interciting law cafes were referred.- Marihall is. Dare, for breach of a premnitc ...


... body of William Jackfon, a private foldie'~r. The Jury having viewed the body of the deceafed, who appeared to have been killed by a mulket ball, proceeded to the examination of witnefs. Daniel M'Donnelliacorporal in the 3d regiment of Foot Guards, flated ...


... time after he gave She viitnef, a tap on the head I with the hilt of the fword. Mrs. Medhurit faid, My dear, don't kill your fervantq, kill nsoe ; if you take airy one's life, take mine. He then gave her a kifs, and foid, I wol't hurt sosi, It was th~en ...


... ASS[ZESi i8oo. . At GfLcFORD-D On Thurfaj lafc tanaes* a damfon ed was indicted fir felonioflly killing and Jli ying William nd Brooks lon the x th of J unt, by giving him a violent 'blow Y on the left car, in confequience of which blo -he died.- u- ...


... fpirited,; rhunged into else water, ?? I Dowden was thrown fio as to doun him, and prevent all ex- VE LerconL by A child was lately killed at Bolton, hrn Lancs.. the a hit. ,An falling againif a ?? playing with Bnd It nold woman named Dalb, who foauwadso ...


... aged 25, and Thomas Butler, aged 22, for palling forged notes ; John Boyer, for flieep-ticaling ; and Edward Evans, lor killing a fhecp. and for dabbing the pe-rfon who apprehended him. They arato be on Saturday Dtrxt. The men for robbing the S >ho were ...


... was Mr. Pinneck, agen- tleman of 6onfiderable fortune. It was proved that. he had killed game on the Noble Lord's domains ; but as he proved himfelf to be qualifed to kill game, the Plain- tiff was nonfuited. OLD BAILEr. Yeflerday the Sefflons commenced ...


... indiecd for the murder ofpher ?? child. It was. flated that the child was born alive, ?? the evidence was too incomplete to bring heme thie charge of her having wfed violence ; on Wthe contrary it- appeared,. the child had died in the birth, and thlat ...


... Fordebauchinz a virgin, fix fixpences. is For peijury, ditto. C For a woman who dcftroys her live child within her, five % fixpcnces. e For him who kills his father, mother, brother, fiater, or Nvife, one crown and five groats ! I i f The above was one ...


... when a beam (hifted A. Pr its pofition, fell acrofs her' neck,' and' killed hei ?? In :a-the ?? he'r hufband was the -firl[ that difcovererl her, capit IQt An old man andda child were alfo taken out dead. t ticult ti- The wounted wxere carried't6'the ...


... Normak was indicted for the 'murder of. her .a ral baftasd child. It appeared the prifoner had' been deli- il iS vered of a child, and had thrown it down the privy. lhe A witnefs fwore (he heard a child' ry 'at the time; g re but as the pifoner's mifhrefs lay ...