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Lothian, Scotland

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... WHOMt IT ATy CON;CERN-. A. Halr and Co., Paternoster Row. The writer, a benevolent enthusiast, seeing how many children are worked in factories and other places, and how hard some poor labourers have to work for a mere subsist- ance, writes in rhyme on ...

Caledonian Mercury

... prefe- rence to the recommendation of the Factory Com- mission. Certain itis that tie finestopportunity will be lost by the bill in question that was ever afford- ed for extending that benefit to the children employ- ed in manufactories, and that too ...

Literature, Science, Act, &c

... improve nr fathers' work, and, as in other mn factories it is found that some have exclusive year ability in a particular branch of manufacture from ti only-a peculiar native facility which, in so ws large a factory, can he exclusively devoted to itswa1 owwas ...

Literary Notices

... homes only where the air is trid, the food unhealthy; where his children unhealthy, and where his wife (with her irteen hours and a half at the factory) is a we. Throughout the day his children are alone, with a gardetse, who doses them that they cy sleep ...


... 1819 was really the' first of; 10e the true Factory Acts-that is, the 'first of the *u Factory Acts tnat established the 'pri icip16 of, to placing by legislation 'a restriction upon the, dlaboro h children Aan wi've4 of free 'artisais. P. '_(applanse) ...

Literature, Science, and Art

... tame, docile, and tractable- far more so, indeed, than many negro children of the same age. Not only dwas she on perfectly good, terms with all grown- up people in and about the factory, but was ex- ceedingly attached to her keeper Curtis,. whom she could ...


... compared to which the ills of the former factory were blessings. Indeed, if the picture drawn of the Deep Valley Mill is any thing ncar the truth, no one can wonder at the outcry uaised as to the usage the factory children receive at some of the mills. Here ...


... commission, ?? and goes out al to liquidate the claims against him and to purchase U, what be thinks will make the dear children happy, bi He returns with a quantity of toys for Edward and 01 a wedding gift for Louisa, who, by the bye, is theb bride ...

Literary Notices

... far from he Shanghai, into which the bodies of children are be * cast. The tower covers a well, and stands about so twenty feet high; at the upper part are two smell arched windowsthroughi which the children ?? are thrown. On climbing up to look down through ...


... chimneys has not vet fa blotted out the whole sky. ' Bonny Scotland,' ' Old OI Xlnl~anel, still whispers to the h.earlt Of her children hb through her sng; and the notes of i-et songs can lob .l2 traccd up tards in time till thev are lost like those Or a skylaark ...


... that town, at a place called Harter Field, in Pigot's Ltne, is a large and deep reservoir, by wnhichi formerly a spinning factory, occupied by lease's Wood and Harrops, was sup- plied wih svttr. Upon this pond, svhich, from the thultness of the ice, was ...

Literary Notices

... poor neglected children of the dissolute and criminal. It is a description of a recent movement to establish a shoeblack brigade in Newcastle. Ameng other papers of social interest we may notice the one entitled Down among the Factories ; and Rifles ...