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... operation of Ibeae laws. I need hardly call attention to the discrepancy of these two state- ments uttered within a few minutes of each other. According to one the Repeal of the Corn Laws would not make a material difference in the price or Corn; according to ...


... the cultivation of arable and pasturo land, on draining, live stock, orchards, Woods, &c. And under thit of politics, the corn- laws, markets, poor-hlws, rent, tithes, cottage allotment, wages and food of labourers, &c. Upon all these and other topics, ...


... and Rtose,,, asuns by the Persian Hast THE -TORY COUNTRY GENTLEMAN. A new Song to an old Tune. HUDLY INSCRIBED-TO THlE ANTI-CORN LAW SOCIETY- Coltr, listen, liegvs, to the song that I shall sing to you- 'TIs of a Country Gentlemana of Toryisin trub-blue ...


... Come, cheer up, my masters;-for all our disasters, In spite of each fear and misgiving, - WIth Protection demollsh'd. and Corn Laws abolioh'd, We're still In the land of the living. But the fact there's no shirking, that we must be working, And eoustantly ...


... fargir'ii; Anld thc dams atf a pulrer light, F'rom the day-spring tor ener bright, Rlsrs onl my saul Crami heavenl THE CORN LAWS. 'no Coinl Laws are a fooul devsire, Yet they wliotmad eand thiey whio keep, 'lime trusting ibemer to eaistiare, Alike to industry ...


... order, declared in the House of PeerEs that he had heard of many mad things in his life, but the idea of repealing the corn laws was the maddest he had ever heard of. The working classes in the great towns, four-fifths of whom were uneducated, were ...


... iiunisotivititlthe ideas ofthe wetivers, elt rdo dott attribute tillit destitilte coutilition to the operatiori of tine Corn Laws, riitier diretly or intlhectl. Siurnlt this testirlenuy nay hn alli otd to have its nult, antd proper weight oel tio iniluial ...


... LITERARY NOTICES. T/u Thr, P'rize Essays otl Agricelturre and the Corn Law -ololiru(l Iby td(n N'National A .ti-Coru Law Leagine.-R. r mr.irbiitgn, 5, P aternoester Row, Loiolun.-J. G6adiby, manOiwrster. ThrI first ol thili essays, shrwiig tie jllionls ...


... and the men gaze over the sides at the novelty of green trees and sunny herb. bage, do we, playing the truant with poor laws, corn laws, East Indlia monopoly, and free trade, seek to wander once niore in the almost forgotten paths of pocsy, and to recal ...


... and to a past generation for the ability and zeal with which he advocated the emanolpatlon of the slave, the repeal of the Corn, Laws, and other great measures of reform. As president of the National Tern. perawce League, he travelled tens of thousands of ...


... agriculturists promptly. It will pro- bably wrork a far greater revolution in English farmuing than even the repesi of the Corn Laws. The political results of the Atlantic telegraph are often spoken of. Yet the probe- I bility is that its social and commercial ...


... cheap literature and Mdessrs Chambers nlh, Kghand Cossell; penny postage and Sir Rowland Hill; the repeal of the corn laws and Messrs. Cobden, Bright, and Villiers, The repeal of the taxes on knowledge';the Introduc- tion of ga3Highting, the ...