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Efte gmsser (Erprtes, giurrtp ®HealD of Hent iHatl, ?3ants anu count? ammttßtr

... matter of fact, we have Protection of a type as reverse and more mischievous as regards home interests than the protective corn laws before 184fi. Burdens, heavier than can be borne, are placed on the land of this country and its produce in the shape of ...


... of the Highlands. The misery of those districts did not date from, though they had been agravated by, the repeal of the corn laws, but from the tariffs of Sir Ro- bert Peel. It was an uncontroverted fact that the British fleet was victualled at the present ...


... the from freights. from hire »t«aaer*. £397 from rent of chair.—The Law-cleik to the Local Board. Lloyd, read £B4B from r«ii of adveniaingp'ne'e, poatoffice con- the propoaed by-laws of the Meraey Dock* and Her tour tract. £6O. interest bank account, ...

Sussex Provincial News

... £300. Mr. Waters said it would cost £170 to mark out all the ground, and he believed the law required that it should be done. The Chairman observed that the law was not imperative on the subject. He found that they had now the power of borrowing money ...