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Bath Chronicle and Weekly Gazette


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Bath Chronicle and Weekly Gazette

London, Daover 29

... his Grace the Duke of Richmond fet out from his Houfe Privy Garden, Whitehall, for France it is laid his Grace >yill vifit Dunkirk in his Way, in order to fee that the Fortifications at that Place are entirely demolifhed, before he goes Paris. The India ...

London, January 18

... noble Duke, upon the Difficulties that retard the Definitive Treaty Peace. The Frcnch Court have demolish the Fortifications Dunkirk, agreeabie to the Report of our Commiflioneis there ConJ'equence of the Preliminaries. France (having learnt thar our Court ...

The Boy and the Nett

... the Gunnels. Private Letters from Paris mention, that it waa expeCted the ICing's late Order to evacuate the Englifh from Dunkirk would extend every fortified Sea-Port the Dominions France: But the Reafons for this extraordinary Proceeding are kept profound ...

London, September 17

... which is a Secret. Some fitfh Orders are faid to have been difpatched Lit Week Col. Dcfmaretz, his Majetty's Commiffdiy at Dunkirk, regarding further Inftiuftions for the total deftroying the Materials piled up nnd numbered, taken from the Bafon of that ...

room of Mr. Solomons

... The Juffs, Adrens, from Hamburgh to Lilbon, is loft near Calais. The Molly, Capt. M'Kenzie, from Invernefs to Campvere and Dunkirk, is loft on the Coaft of Holland. Extraof a letter from Bofion, 03. i, 17*9. Laft Wednefday we had a town meeting here to ...

London, December 4

... Iflan'is are mofl excellent/j fitua'edfor the French to carry on a tncfi extenjl-ue Smuggling i rade ivitb all our Colonies. 5. Dunkirk to be put in the fame Condition as by the Treaty Aix-la-Chapelle. 6. French and Englifh Dominions North America to be fixed ...

London, May 26

... to the great Prejudice of the Public. that feveral -of the Smugglers, who for Some Years pad have taken Refuge at Calais, Dunkirk, Bologne, anil other of the French Ports, the Sea-coait', Wave lately and are to gone eliewhere, for Fear of delivered up ...

London, December 21

... Contingencies for the enfuing Year. Yefterday fome farther Inftruaions were over to Col. Delmaretz, his Majefty's Comroiflary at Dunkirk. Orders are fent to Southampton, for the Troops quartered there, deftined { or S.negal, to march to Portimouth, where thev ...

London, October 25

... Perfon of Charafler, now in France, has very iately been charged with a Commiffion, not only to fee the Fortifications of Dunkirk effeftu lly demoiifhed, but alfo to the Piles and Foundations under Water to be drawn and enfed, according to the true Spirit ...


... cach privatect, Of 32 guos As B. Perry, men; the Flibuftier, of ‘ts bank-noee; and J. ceived of death. of 24 go Men. ging to Dunkirk; and the J. Biffaker he, alias Mills, for tte her articles; and T. IDAY MARCH 31. ceived of death, Wiltiam Palaner, and | ...

London, August 10

... very unfatisfaflory Anfwer has this Week beeri received from Fiance, in relation to Enquiries with rei'pe«sl to the State of Dunkirk. Yefterdiy the Honourable Mr. Charles York killed his Majefty's Hand, upon his Promotion to be Attorney-General, in the Room ...

Friday's and Saturday's POSTS

... them noble Duke and an Earl of the Minority. Yefterdav 5284 Gallons of Brandy, and 75001b. of Indigo, were imported from Dunkirk and Quarters Wheat and Flour exported to Portugal. We are informed, that the beft frefh Butter fold laft Saturday at Canterbury ...