Advertisements & Notices

... may depend upon the utmolt attention being paid for ?? the characer and fabric of the cloth; as they bave for this purpofe engaged Rn- bert Pierfon, an experienced bleacher, who for thefe eighteen years pall has conduled the principal bleach- feld at HrntlyThey ...

Advertisements & Notices

... pleafe attend, that all r/k ceafes to the t offc, ifpayment is longer delayed. ehis Off ec, which has uniformlyfxdftl.ed its engage- ments with the ?? honour, continues to infufre hoiefes and other buidings, Goods, W ares, andM Aer- chandize, from Fire, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... attenA, that ail re/b ceafes to the int office, rf payment is longer delayed. an This Office, 'which has uniformlyfuliled its engage- by ments 'with the flriftfo/ honour, continues to inf/ere fp( Houfes and other bailding*, Goods, .ares, and Mu1,r- ha chandizse ...

Advertisements & Notices

... utroft attention ta' Ir being paid for preferving the character and fabric of m es the cloth, as they have for this purpofe engaged Ro- th, ill bert Pierfon, an experienced bleacher. who for thefe x8 years paft has condrcaed the principal bleachfield n in ...

Advertisements & Notices

... upon the utmoft attention c being paid for preferving the charaater and fabric of S the cloth, as they have for this purpofe engaged Re- a bert Pieifori. an experienced bleacher, who for thlefe aS yeais pafl has conducted the principal bleachfield t in Hunrly ...

Advertisements & Notices

... and that every part of the furniture commiffirned of hism, will be executed un- der his own, immediate infpeftion. He has engag-d asi experienced tjpholfierer, from London, and laid ir a Ifock of elegant and fiubrlantial Articles in that ?? thofe that ...

Advertisements & Notices

... and that every part of the or furniture commifflioned of him, will be executed un- der his ows immediate iofpeftion. He has engaged id an experienced Upholfle er, from London, and laid in tha flock of elegant and fulflianvial Articles in that F ?? thofe ...

Advertisements & Notices

... them, to recommerid in the (trongcl: and moft earneft manner, to every clafs and defetiption of men, within this county (not engaged in any mi- litiry capacity) to come forward and make offer to the Deputy Lieutenants of the diflritls, of *uch fer- E vice ...

Advertisements & Notices

... M4NUFA tTURERRS. Ae lOttSE in LONDON having occafron fol a Q-antity of MUSLINS and CAMBRICKS, for foreign rharkets, wifhes to engage with any Per. fon or Perfons that cav fupply the above articles on d the molt advantageous terms. Letters addrefred to MclErs ...

Advertisements & Notices

... about 8 Feet by 6 High, PAINTED BY Hl. P. DANLOUX. The Painter has chofen the very moment, when, after the ever memorable Engagement of the izth of October 1797, the renowned Valoor and Brave. ry of Admiral De Winter were at laft forced to yield to Admiral ...

Advertisements & Notices

... fallen, and then reduced the town to allies. jut The rebels in the county of Kildare hbe hazarded fomeething like a general engage- rch ment, and got pofrefflon of Kilcullin Bridge, et, bua in the event were repulred with the ionfs Tm of 60o men. The rebels ...

Advertisements & Notices

... PERSON regrslarly bredl to Bufncefs, who has A had conliderable Employment broth in out-,!oor and in- door Bulifnefs.-He aoulrl engage with any merchant or mercantile sorife, who could give him a pernanent Sitration. I-Ic is maried, has a family, i and will ...