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Advertisements & Notices

... Of the last6YCS. abont 154 Brighten 1 0 0pecnt - ('West Pier) S par cent. £10 150 0pecn. Ilastiitge St. Leo. nald's pier 6 , £1.0 12 0 20 , P, ier.!I!9 ,, diQ stock lA0 0 40 , ftutbporta 0 7 pier ?? It 8 81 0., I Margate 1 20 3 The fiold of operations ...

Advertisements & Notices

... mbers, S.W. Thomaa oes, REqn lateo Mayor of Hastings, Director of the Wilam teviebns, Re., Sp ingleld, Iu ?? Surrey. and engineer to, amnonghst oqthters, the sfoleio d iners Brighton (W.est Pier), Hastings, Blackpool, asetbourne, and 3l~agate; also, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... taking tre ever as a going conevern frmn the proprietor, the properly riet- known as ihe rlyrrouth Promenade Pier. This popular ?%nd. and beautiful Pier, whicih war finished and upened in Ir84, is 165 feet lrig, and thepier heed is 190 feet wide, cad It eR ...

Advertisements & Notices

... proprietor, the property Porter kaown as tie tlyrrouth Promenoda Pier. This populir ,,ee t. asud beautiful Pier, which was liuaihed end urpeneA in r ?? _ 184, is t65 feet long, antd the pier head is 190 feetwide, ?? is built on iron erilusne, embedded in ...

Advertisements & Notices

... of VEHE BRIGHTON WEST PIER GOMPASY. THBLast dividend 12 per cent. £10 Shares now quoted, 16 to 17%, TMuE HASTINGS A19D ST. LEHQARD'S JL PI1R COMPANY.-Lasb dividend 8 per'cent. ,10 lebares quoted at 12& to 18. VHE SOUTHE1ND PIER COMPANY.-Last TLdvldend ...

Advertisements & Notices

... coisisifs 6 aby 20, t-bep 'lortr,. flel^b'y l4,lntchen, t1at)liptoo a6iry, wineand. boer cellaie,;on.tq. tlor!;'ailio4 eogsisL of$3 hast bi b`d-roo's, ' a t:'4ii'to, and a toreeclos'et. .-,;It is presoriedt lis wtiad suit;;! bsportiaggentlleman, as the, premises ...

Advertisements & Notices

... AT EVlENING 3Next, at the YOUNG} MEN~'iS CHRISTIAN ASSOCIATION, ST. 3A14E9'5 SQUARE. 2121 ( Ihe Vicar of this Parishb, which hast a Population of over ] Ftive Thousand Poor, earnestly APPELlIS to thoso wvhore God r has given the means ot helping the sick ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 6s. Od. The Steamer will start from Portishead Pier after the arrival of the Train leaving Bristol at 12.45 p.m., Clifton-bridge at 12.57 Rleturm Trips fro ?? every Morning, reaching Portils- head Pier in time forthe Afternoste Up-Trail. [2075 4393 BRISTOL ...

Advertisements & Notices

... con- otructing a Promenade Pier and low water Landing Stage at Penarth.tin the County of Glamorgan; in pursuance of an order of the Board of Trade iconlirmed by Act of Parliament), known as the Penarth Promenade and Land- in Pier Order, 1881 and 188f. It-earth ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Promenade and Landing Pier Company Limited, to receive Subscriptions for the above named balance of £25,000 in b000 Shares of £5 each, ABIRIDGED PROSPECTUS, The Company has been formed for the purpose of eon- strncting a Promenade Pier and low water Landing ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Bristol. , PO!RfLX3UR PIER, SO1VZEUSET. irNTOTICE is hereby given, that application is in- t, Ievi tended to be made to Parliament, in the ensuing Ses- s sion, for an Act to make and maintain a Pier or Landing. Place, or Piers or Landing- Places, with ...

Advertisements & Notices

... pro posed Pier, will often be at Paddington or Exeter before tI iy could, by the preseit mode, reach Bristol, and always be one or two trains ill advance of any other present place of landing -in the Bristol Chamlel. -The contemplated Pier will be so ...