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... HASTINGS PIER. On Monday night, at the Hastings Pier, before fair attendance. Miss Maude Fergusson's Company appeared Sydney Grundy's f*scin*ting pl*y, entitled Sowing the Wind. The salient points in the play are delineated -with judgment and disc ...


... HASTINGS PIER. Dr. Abram's promenade concerts the Hastings Pier are popular to-day as when the season iirst opened, and to many of the patrons it is a matter for regret that for this year they will soon be numbered with the past. ia not to be wondered ...


... HASTINGS PIER. : O . The picturesqi scarlet-and-white-costumei lady vocalists ot Madura Lloyd's Musical an.l Scenic Company were very cordially welcomed by a large audience at Hastings Pier on Monday evening. Among the most popular items were, Mis« B ...


... HASTINGS PIER. The Guvnor the,attraction at the Hastings Pier this week, and even the unpropitious weather of Monday night did deter a good audience assembling witness the first performance. It is a capital play, and was admirably produced by Mr. J. D ...


... HASTINGS PIER. This week, at the Hastings Pier Pavilion, capital entertainment is given, consisting of the comedietta,-. The Day after the Wedding, and Henry J. Byron's farcical comedy in three acts, entitled Uncle. The latter piece splendidly acted, ...


... HASTINGS PIER. : a : A veiy bright entertainment indeed is that given t lis week at the Hastings Pier Pavilion by the Smart Set Entertainers (Walter George's Light Opera Company). Each of the artistes is a and accomplished vocalist, and every item, serious ...


... HASTINGS PIER. The promenade concerts on Hastings Pier show abatement popularity. Tuesday night a good opportunity of contrasting the old and the new school of opera was afforded by the inclusion of the overture to Wallace's Maritana, a selection from ...


... HASTINGS PIER. II I Kirhc is an interesting drama of many strong points, and the manner which it was played the Hastings Pier on Monday evening secured tor it the warm approbation of numerous audience, who at various junctures bestowed hearty applause ...


... HASTINGS PIER. Certainly Dr. Abram has given the musicloving people of Hastings some rare treats this season, an.j close of the season approaches he seems greatly add to the attractions the programmes which he provides for the haiituet j the Hastings ...


... HASTINGS PIER Mr. J. D. Hunter, the popular manager of the Hastings Pier, returned to Hastings Pier with his grand Christmas Pantomime, Aladdin, for the Easter. The Company are the 6ame those who appeared ...


... THE HASTINGS PIER. change It made this week in the character ol the this place of amusement. A triple programme is preiented for the amusemint of rirr-goira, it being, the whole, a very good character. Monday evening there «■» a very small attendance ...


... HASTINGS PIER. Drama of the sensational type comes an acceptable change after the frolic which reigned the Hastings Pier during the Pantomime season. Local piergoers this week have an opportunity of seeing The Unknown, a drama of great interest, which ...